Reviews for Here I Am
Guest chapter 15 . 1/30/2016
TheKode2ne1 chapter 15 . 7/28/2014
Dark Closure,

I have to say that I loved the story. It was well written; with only a few spelling issues. While the plot (i.e. Haru comforts Kyo after losing Tohru) was not original; the ending (the best part) was the most original ending I have seen in FB stories.
I also loved that nothing was rushed. Kyo fell in love slowly; and Yuki became friends with Kyo is small steps.

Awesome Job,

songohanfan1 chapter 11 . 3/3/2014
First of all, lo e the story. There have been a few spelling errors, but they're minor. However I really think you should know something about actual Fruits Basket plot. (If you did this just for the sake of this story's plot, then sorry) Kyo and Yuki are rivals because of the curse not Kyos mom.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/13/2013
Beautiful perfect ending I really enjoyed your story it was amazing ;D keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 15 . 4/8/2013
Guest chapter 6 . 3/16/2012
Noooooo how can you mutilate the poor kitty! A cat w/o claws is not a cat! Don't do dangerous surgery on a creature just because it inconveniences you! *tear*
geminiiprincess chapter 10 . 6/16/2011
although its nothing to be happy about, im hype my bday was mentioned. nd like always this was an amazing chapter
XxTwisted0KitsunexX chapter 15 . 5/24/2011
I just finished reading this story and I have to say, it was awesome. Not only did you put something unexpected but you did so in a way that I truely enjoyed. I do have one suggestion for any other stories you may write though, when jumping between time and places, put a sort of seperator, it keeps confusion down a bit.
Momoiro chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
So, I feel really bad because I read your story and never reviewed it, sorry.

Well here's what I think it was amazing and I don't use this word lightly.

I really enjoyed how Kyo wasn't inlove with Haru, however grew to love him over time. One thing I don't like about most Haru x Kyo stories is that they write it that Kyo likes Haru but that's not his personality at all. But you really got him down.

I think this is one of my favorite kyoxharu stories I've ever read and hope you continue. 3

P.S maybe try runnin your stories through open office on your computer for spell check ;) jk!
lemonlimediddies chapter 10 . 7/23/2010
ahhh such a good ending. how wonderful! i really loved it!
sesshy's numba1 gurl chapter 15 . 8/6/2008
awe! that ending was too cute for words! i loved the story it was awesome its definetly one of my fav haru/kyo fics. great job!
EachPeachPearPlum chapter 15 . 5/11/2008
aww. that's utterly cute. a very nice ending...

and happy christmas to you too. we'll just ignore the fact that it's mid-May, and well over a year since this was finished...

very nice...

EachPeachPearPlum chapter 14 . 5/11/2008
aww. kind of a lame sounding plan, but i guess it'll work. given that there's only one chapter left...

and i'm beign a little mean. i'm sorry. it just seems...rather abrupt. and given the difficulty everyone has standing up to Akki-san...i wonder if it can work...

and now to the final chapter...

EachPeachPearPlum chapter 13 . 5/11/2008
Kyo-kun's daddy is a twat. i vote we shoot him! anyone else up for it?

anyway, two more to go now. it's odd. i thought this was one of the really really long fics. i guess not...

EachPeachPearPlum chapter 12 . 5/11/2008
aww. poor Kyo-kun...nasty parents, made to hate Yuki, and then being locked away...

it's just not fair...

and i've only just noticed how short all these reviews have been. for me, i mean, who usually writes a novel every review. oh well. i think it's exams. they're finally getting to me...

and now to thirteen. only three left. aren't you pleased?
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