Reviews for Trial, Transition, Growth
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 3 . 1/26/2018
I liked the meeting of Danny and Sam I like how we can see both sides of everything
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 2 . 1/26/2018
Wow that scene was something else sam’s father reacted worse than I thought he would and then saying something. Great job setting up the story. Poor Sam I feel so bad for her . Her dad is a monster
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 1 . 1/26/2018
Omg this story seems very intriguing I’m really interested to see where this goes.
NixenSya chapter 17 . 6/11/2009
I luv the stories of The Black Phoenix saga, so you better get that lazy butt to work and post the next chapters, 'coz if you don't I'll find where you live and kill you! MUAHAHAHAHA I'M EVIL! *ahem*

Luv u!
Princess of Rose chapter 8 . 8/28/2008

You probably don't know who I am, considering I've read thus story two years ago and just got an account this January. But I love your Trial, Transition, Growth series and have to review. This story is angst, which I like anyway, with a bit of humor, and you can tell Danny and Sam end up together. I hope you would write the third part I saw in your profile, but I'm not even too sure if you'll get this review. I'm just telling you that I love your writing, and hope you continue the series, as it's been over a year.


Samantha-kun chapter 13 . 5/2/2007
Okay so I'm almost done reading this. Its a great story and i LOVE the way you make Danny protective of Sam and Lillith without him being a wimp. Seriously, I should've reviewed earlier but it was SO GOOD that I couldn't stop. I know there's a sequel and IM SO PSYCHED to read it. Okay, that was a long review, sry.

danielle chapter 17 . 2/2/2007
I realy like plot 1 because of the romance DxS
avid-reader chapter 17 . 10/15/2006
Nicely done story ! plot three
untilmylastbreath chapter 17 . 10/9/2006
i like number I best and i loved this can't wait for more
Chatter Puncher chapter 17 . 10/6/2006
hmm, 2...3...2...3...2...3... i dont know... but heres my vote for no-go!

bo 1! ,lol, its too soon...

i think i would have to go with numero dos! just because danny ISNT in it... i dont like him all that much.. but can u make a little vladyness in it?

but if you do go with number 3... can the guy be really short? i mean like realy short, like midget sized, 3'2'' would be funny :) and with solid brown hair? (sry, but i love brown haired ppl.)

oh, and in any plot, can some new neighbor move in (major or minor character) named charlotte around sams age and going to her school? :) thanks! i loved the sttory by the way!

chatter puncher
Pumpernickel Muffin chapter 17 . 10/5/2006
yay! the new chappie!

i personally like the first plot the best. i want danny in it :). danny is awesome. plus i think that in high school being labeled a slut is worse and will be more angsty and stuffs than the college one. plus i don't want sam to be raped again. it would be too sad.

but they are all good plots. i just like the first best.
giggleaid chapter 17 . 10/4/2006
plot 1
Kimba616 chapter 17 . 10/3/2006
I like all your ideas, but the first and last I really like for some reason! I can't really think of anything else to say, but I wish you luck with writing the sequel!

Update soon!
Midnight Raining Down chapter 17 . 10/3/2006
Number three sounds interesting...but whatever, you write what you want to write. This was wonderful really, I love it. Hope to see the sequal soon and wonderful!
Black January chapter 17 . 10/3/2006
I choose Plot 1. I luv DxS!
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