Reviews for Adding Stitches to My Broken Heart
lara5170 chapter 2 . 9/22/2016
Why would she spill the beans about her life right off the bat?
Althea Sirius chapter 15 . 7/9/2016
Can't wait to
lara5170 chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
I think I'm a bit confused about whats going on in this story. Hasn't Kagome only known these people for a few hours? Didn't they see Kurama chase after the giant spider head thing that was chasing Kagome?
lara5170 chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Wow she opened to them in seconds
lara5170 chapter 14 . 2/11/2016
I've never seen this before but I'm glad I found it. It's a bit hard to follow because it seems as if there is something missing dwhich is making it hard for me to follow, I feel as if I may of missed something important. I also can't help wondering if Kurama's mom is actually the bat hanyou Shiori, she is naturally powerful when it comes to making barriers so it wouldn't be crazy if she was able to shield her true form from her son. It also would be interesting if she was aware of who Kagome was because she was an important part of Shiori becoming free of her evil grandfather.
FabulousSleepyHead chapter 3 . 1/3/2014
Isn't the the same story from 'Archive of Our Own?'
DragonFire Princess chapter 15 . 11/2/2013
Diane chapter 9 . 11/2/2013
Has problems but not too bad overall. Inuyasha's necklace is a rosary also called prayer beads. Sometimes I've seen it as kotodama rosary which is a kind of word magic. Rosemary is a type of herb.
Diane chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
It looks like you have dropped or excess words in a few places may want to go through this again & take off the extra bits & add in the missing stuff.
Myra the Dovahkiin chapter 14 . 5/5/2013
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.

Will this be a Miroku/Sango pairing or will Sango be with someone else? Also when will the group run into Sesshomaru?
Hatsune MIku And Vocaloid chapter 14 . 3/17/2013
What happens next?
Foxluna chapter 14 . 10/10/2012
so far cute fic. i wonder though if Sesshomari will join the group in bringing down Naraku? hopefully he joins them in their quest of getting the jewel shards.
well please make sure to update VERY SOON! please and thank u!
Xireana Prime chapter 14 . 5/22/2012
its been about 2 years! please update soon! i love how the detectives are in the feudal era!
Anime Princess chapter 14 . 1/1/2011
Okay, Hiei might be the bad but he'd eventually get to work and help out grudgingly. Also, Yusuke might ACT like Hiei and not care, but he REALLY does and seeing all this death would make him want to FIGHT and KILL this Naraku! I think the two groups need to sit down and actually TALK about their experiencnes so both groups know that the other is serious about their pledges to fight.

And I find it a bit hard to believe that in less than 24 hours Kagome would let go of her year long heartache and latch on to Kurama like that. Neverminding the fact that Kurama would latch on so easily too. Not that I mind, but it's a opera romance which is sometimes hard to swallow.


Love ya,

Uchiha Bara chapter 14 . 11/28/2010
:) happy :)
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