Reviews for Lucius Malfoy's Favorite Charity
sfescher chapter 21 . 7/30/2019
I really enjoyed this story. The writing style has an unusual, but interesting, tone to it. You've crafted an original character in a very creative way, while also weaving in the canon from the books quite well.

I feel like the author's note at the beginning of the story might have been better placed at the end. Reading it after the first chapter was confusing and also felt like it revealed parts of the later story too early.

Overall though, I thought this was a great story! I hope you haven't given up writing for doing dishes. That would be just awful.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/19/2016
A clever story!

I enjoyed the expansion of st. Mungos the most, followed by the old English magics. Lucious malfoy was also good.

You have a great ability to fill in small details and make the world seem vibrant and full, but still recognizably as harry potter. The barbershop with the head tattooing and the flavored murtlap attempts stand out.

Beautiful story!
kase519 chapter 4 . 9/30/2014
A Merlin?
kase519 chapter 3 . 9/30/2014
Cool chapter
kase519 chapter 2 . 9/30/2014
kase519 chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Good start
Athalanta chapter 21 . 10/16/2013
I guess people are too busy searching for more (it is rather an abrupt ending) to be able to stop and give a review.
fojee chapter 21 . 9/27/2010
I like how your story slides in and out of canon. Also, the quotes you used from the book aren't often quoted, and they are given such an excellent context. I like this Malfoy, though as always, he looks to his own interests first. Funny, clever, imaginative and all too brief!
apathetica chapter 21 . 9/12/2009
I very much enjoyed this story. I don't know why it doesn't have more reviews. Thanks for writing and finishing it. Cannon depicts Narcissa and Draco as feeling real people, but Lucius always remains a typical two dimensional villain. I like the humanity you've given him in this story.

Was Quirell another richard, intentionally spawned by the dark lord for the very purpose he served? A chilling thought, certainly.

If you had continued this story, would richard have eventually met his end at the hands of the dementors as the seer Delphi foretold?

Again, a applaud this story. Thank you.
Luiniliel chapter 21 . 7/29/2009
Initially I was not sure what to expect of this story. I assumed it would be something akin to documenting the political maneuverings of the Malfoy family.

I was wrong.

The character expressed through Lucius seemed genuine and far more likable and HUMAN than most other accounts of him I have come across. The interaction of the Malfoy family with Richard fit them so well, and all individually, there was not a grouping of personalities like some authors do. "Oh, they're all Malfoy's and so they are snobbish and fashionable" to give an example.

Even if Lucius is likable he is still villainous and the final chapter of this story has me wanting more.

The original character Richard fits very well into the HP universe. His story needs to be told further.

I personally believe that the dishes can wait and that if children are complaining then they can wash the dishes themselves. hahaha.

If at all possible this story needs to continue just to see the machinations of Lucius play out with Richard involved somehow.
Arsinoe de Blassenville chapter 21 . 6/15/2009
This was really a lovely story. I enjoyed it so much. Your daughters are wrong, and they should wash the dishes themselves.
Kamp chapter 21 . 5/1/2009
i love your lucius. his boredom at the meeting. and his own personal musings. his plotting. it really works with that line from the book.
Kamp chapter 8 . 3/21/2009
lol. i lkove how richard and draco interact.
Kamp chapter 5 . 3/21/2009
just so you know, i am enjoying this story immensely. i adore richard and his interactions with malfoy. i also thought you brought up some interesting points earlier, regarding the influence of the muggle world on the magical one. it all starts so small, but they quickly lead to worse things. it is easier to understand the death eater pov of muggles hurting the wizarding world, by mentioning all of these little things, then by saying they're "animals". i love their pranks. and i like the idea of the mungo students having their own little thing; and the teacher's choosing to look the other way; how it's not mean-spirited and bias, but silly and understanding.
duj chapter 6 . 7/6/2006
Of course they wouldn't know "Murtlap-breath" marked her as a witch, not a Muggle. And her choice of coins didn't raise suspicions either...
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