Reviews for Contradicted
Guest chapter 24 . 5/17
that was amazing. i was hoping for a twist that naruto may be alive, but still it was amazing. Tsunade's execution willalways be a favoritr chapter for me, love the emotions and everything on that chapter. you're such a great author dude!
Naru-Vampire chapter 24 . 4/9
Wow what a great story. I’m not going to lie I’m mad about some characters dying, but honestly that’s what made the story so good. To have that pain, anyways thanks for writing!
Temari chapter 24 . 4/5
exuse me dear author, I cryed when naruto died and akamaru to it reminded me how i lost my dog the same way im not sure you'll read this but is suzuki a real oc cause suzuki is also a car motorcycle and boat engien company thx
MRBelle chapter 2 . 2/24
omg! i love you Hinataaaaa!
SasukeSakura23 chapter 2 . 1/15
Go Hinata!
freeharmony1234 chapter 24 . 9/20/2019
This story was an amazing read. No doubt about that, it was compelling and interesting, and the fight scenes were gripping and filled with tension. However, rather than a story about Sasuke and Sakura, it felt more like a story of just Sakura's journey. I still really enjoyed the story, but I think it could have been better if it was more SasukexSakura oriented and we got to see more conversations between them or have certain things between them be more resolved in a way (like they didn't even really discuss the cliff incident, and we never really heard Sasuke's side of things of when he started to fall for her, etc). That being said, don't get me wrong, it was a great story and I'm favouriting it :)
xMeimei chapter 24 . 6/9/2019
Fuck. You sure know how to make someone cry. I binge read the entire story. It was downright amazing. I found the whole not-so-happily-ever-after scene quite refreshing, and damn girl, that was just fucking beautiful.
Arisa chapter 14 . 6/5/2019
I am reviewing because Naruto's letter is beautifully written.

Really felt the emotion there.

Nicely done.
Tsukaiko chapter 20 . 5/11/2019
So here am I, just beginning to read the author's note on chapter 20 and I know it's just five more left to go and then I can go back to reality and its soothing normality but gosh I don't think I have the strength to get through to the end of this story...
PrincessAkiraaa chapter 24 . 1/26/2019
Can’t believe this fanfic is over 10 years and the the impact it has in the sasusaku community is freakin amazing! The laughs, the tears, the heartbreak, the happiness. Absolutely amazing piece of work, thank you!
Xcherokee chapter 24 . 12/24/2018
So I attempted to read this story a good four years ago and I couldn’t get through it. As soon as Sakura said at Narutos funeral, “Naruto Uzumaki was my best friend”, I lost it completely and cried and couldn’t go on. It was just too heart wrenching. Like the world can not go on with out Naruto. But here I am four years later because I just couldn’t forget about this story. I kept thinking about it and decided that I had to find it and finish it. Oh boy I’m glad I did. This story was heartbreaking to say the least and no where near ended with a happy ending. But the writing was beautiful and I hope all the survivors heal eventually.
Pantiggs chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
I was halfway through this story before I realized I read this over a decade ago. Not only do I feel old saying that, but I’ll tell you, I probably appreciate it more now than I did back then.. the hopelessness, the pain of loss, the aching, and the reality that life goes on... you caught this so well. I cried throughout most of this story. I hope you continued writing️
Reylin Cozuela chapter 24 . 9/29/2018
Gosh, I like it. Thumbs up for this one.
potstickers4lyfe chapter 24 . 9/19/2018
When I read the summary, I thought I signed up for a fun adventure type with hints of comedy. I did not expect to be hit by a dark and psychological feels train ;-;
This is absolutely
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And a brilliant read I would recommend everyone! Thank you so much for writing this!
Guest chapter 13 . 9/3/2018
I hate you so fucking much. Did you have to kill Naruto? Really? To make a point that could be done differently and better made otherwise? I just fucking done.
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