Reviews for Proposition
bree chapter 15 . 4/11/2009
um wow... thats just different
timme chapter 15 . 4/17/2008
oh; it's been ages, but i wish you would continue this; it's fantastic.
Liveforthemoments chapter 15 . 2/21/2007
Aw... Well this is gorgeous, well done
LadyShadowSphinx1983 chapter 3 . 1/25/2007
This is the funniest chapter I've ever read in fact, it's my most favorite one of this whole story, just reading this one chapter can put an impact on my life.
nowayjoseeeeee chapter 15 . 12/30/2006
aww... so kawaii... (err, that's cute)
Red Roses2 chapter 15 . 12/25/2006
Oh bugger, that's the last drabble. *Snaps fingers* I like your writing style, and I like this story. It's very funny yet still has a bit of seriousness to it, or at least to me it does. And I like your disclaimer. "Funnily enough, nothing is mine, just like the plot" LoL That in itself makes me laugh. I'm going to fav this. Please update soon!
Nerds United chapter 15 . 10/7/2006
cute. that's all i'll say on the matter.
Edward the spiderqueen chapter 14 . 10/5/2006
as my friends would squeal; SVEET! yes, they pronounce it like that, not sure why...awesome chapter.
Nerds United chapter 13 . 10/5/2006
oh, whoops. this review is for chappie 14.

oh! that dream! i get it.

btw, this is music nerd (aka everyone's favorite thesaurus)
Nerds United chapter 14 . 10/5/2006
a dream... (ouch, gotta get my mind outta the gutter) what dream, pray tell?
Author sama277 chapter 13 . 10/1/2006
...ARGH, IT WAS JUST A DREAM! Bah, that's so depressing! -glare glare- You didnt take that far enough... -grins- Oh well! My, my, it's been a depressingly long time since I've been on. Heh heh, miss me? -laughs- Just kidding. I know my long ass reviews are rather annoying, BUT HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE! -grins evilly- When I got on, this was the first thing I read and it makes me unbelievably happy. I'm so sorry I havent reviewed in such a long time. No, I have not been ignoring your wonderful 'fic, I've just had too many things going on. Wait, why am I rambling you to boredem about my life when I should be rambling you to boredem about your 'fic.

Ah, this chappy made me do that freaky fangirl giggle that I havent done for a while. Jacks dream makes the couple seem more mutual then one-sided. Before, you had been focusing on dear William's infatuation or whatnot. But now Jack's been added! BOOYAKA! Everybody do the hussle! -dances- Oh my, that's enough of that. XP -laughs- I love the way you described Will. It was perfect. YAY UKES! -flails happily- He was so cute, yet you seemed to keep him in character. I suppose he's just naturally cute.

But...the ending was upsetting. It seemed like you ended it to abruptly and didnt explain very much - the whole 'on his feet, lips on lips action' thing. Oh well. It was sexy!

I dont know if this review is long enough (I dont remember my usual length), but I'll end it anyway. (Oops, I forgot to suggest ideas - sorry)

'Sama ;)
music nerd aka nerd's united chapter 13 . 9/30/2006
i have dreams like that. sometimes it makes me feel really really sad that im in love with a fictional character. (said fictional character being jack)

it makes me feel really... small. do you ever feel small? i think my emotional small-ness is starting to affect my school work. i just feel so... small at school. when i dream that jack is an actual person that i can see and touch and kiss and talk to, i wake up right before the good part, and then i feel overwhelmingly small.

(sniffle) i feel small. it's kinda depressing.

but, i'll push it aside for now, and congratulate you on your... WEDDING! kidding. im kidding. dont worry. what i meant to say was: "congratulate you on your one shot-y thingy"

good job.
Anonimoose chapter 13 . 9/30/2006
Poor Jack.
music nerd aka nerd's united chapter 12 . 9/28/2006
i personally think that jack is too cool for will, but whatever. i still like your writing style, and i like reading your stories!

whatever happened to the jack/norrington one? i like that one... (looks down at keyboard)

i am at the mercy of the wise author. continue jack/norry? pwease?
Rochambo chapter 11 . 9/15/2006
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