Reviews for A Mutual Understanding
DarkAngel chapter 14 . 7/19
A shame this was apparently abandoned, if you lost interest in continuing maybe you should have put it up for adoption?
I'm very curious as to how this would have continued and the school year hasn't even started.
I don't know whether you will ever read this or not but I will leave my advice here:
1. It would have been better if you had issued warnings for very graphic violence. The abuse described in your fic may be disturbing for some readers. There should also be a warning for implied rape.
2. Maybe you should mention that your Snape is out of character or if you ever work on this fiagain make a second revision? I doubt that Snape would ever use phrases such as "my boy" or "my child" that are typical of Dumbledore.
3. What exactly happened to Sirius in your fanfic? He should still be alive and his godson shows up all battered and bruised and he doesn't even ask what happened? Even Remus and Tonks make an appearance albeit an insignificant one.
4. In the beginning chapters you mention Harry using Occlumency, if he has been able to teach himself, this should be more clarified in your writing because it really confused me when I read it.
That's it. I actually liked it and would love to find out how things gone here but after 11 years I should not wait for an update.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/5
This is so good! I love it just like your other fan fiction, Eight! Please please I beg you to update!️
Katherine-Taoris4ever chapter 14 . 5/13/2019
As I feel that the cursed of Hermione's father raped her, with that of the duties of the new mother of the house I would not be surprised by Herms' sister, damn brat of hell, I liked her, hopefully you will continue
Guest chapter 14 . 7/15/2018
Are you alive and well? Did you lose your password? Is this complete at some other website? I'll never know. I hope someone wakes you from the dead so you can finish this. I searched and found the same 14 chapters on Potions and Snitches, but nothing else.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/15/2018
lilyflower101 chapter 14 . 8/14/2016
Please more!
Lupius chapter 14 . 7/26/2016
I'm super sad that this story was abandoned. It was going so well.
Henri Jane chapter 14 . 6/28/2015
Please please please finish this! I know I recently reviewed your story "Eight" with complete and total understanding, and though I do continue to acknowledge that life often gets out of hand, I would greatly appreciate any effort that could be made to continue this! It is an absolutely amazing story, and I adore the plot, and the many ways it could go. Eagerly waiting your reply, regardless of whether my wish will be granted!

marthapreston4 chapter 9 . 4/5/2015
IF he got praco away from his father why the hell is going back if he got the kid out then its over why keep going back
marthapreston4 chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
Snape is full grown wizard who works for dumbles why doesnt he say something and why doesnt he just kill lucious and apparate out of theire
marthapreston4 chapter 5 . 4/5/2015
Why the heck did mione say nothing about what happening and leave her sister at home with an abusive assshole what kind of sister is she
daisycb chapter 14 . 1/20/2015
I would like to read the rest of this
Lea chapter 14 . 2/18/2014
I read your story some times ago. And now - just re-reading it.
But my opinion haven't changed: it's great.
I love the way, how you're describing psychological aspects and building the tension between your characters.

I've seen that you are thinking about next chapter.. so: please, update :)

It's great :))
Guest chapter 2 . 2/13/2014
oh how I want to torture those bastards. Death is too good for them. Oh no those sorry sons of a bitch deserve to be tortured.
mlht52 chapter 14 . 9/22/2013
I hope you continue the story. I do like Draco, Harry, and Hermione as alllies. Love your Snape!
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