Reviews for The Price of Family
gabyhyatt chapter 29 . 5/1
I'm going to miss Wickham
Levenez chapter 29 . 11/9/2019
I am typically not a fan of P&P FF once Elisabeth and Darcy start their happily ever after but your writing style, your plots (both crazy and amazing) and humour keep drawing me in.
I had read the first two stories a couple of month ago, now I have read this one, I know I will need to read the upcoming ones. Given the different seeds you are planting, I can only imagine our interest will be locked for some time.
My favourite humour is when Mr Bennett asks Mr Darcy what he can do for him and Darcy’s answer...
thank you!
Edward'sDJ chapter 29 . 8/28/2019
I'll do anything for love but I won't do that
Edward'sDJ chapter 28 . 8/28/2019
Lovely to have so many loose ends tied
Edward'sDJ chapter 24 . 8/28/2019
According to my university human genetics lectures, everyone with red hair can be traced back to a mutation which happened in Ireland
Edward'sDJ chapter 19 . 8/28/2019
I think the term 'rooting for you' may be specific to the USA. Certainly in Australia it would mean something VERY inappropriate
Edward'sDJ chapter 15 . 8/27/2019
I looked up 'Pennsic' and I discovered whole previously unknown worlds
Edward'sDJ chapter 11 . 8/27/2019
Poor Gregoire will be glad to get back to the monastery and away from his mad brother
Edward'sDJ chapter 23 . 8/27/2019
The spelling errors appear deliberate to avoid plagiarism!
Edward'sDJ chapter 22 . 8/27/2019
I see someone has criticised the spelling errors. Given that the quality of writing throughout the series is exceptional, I assume that the spelling errors are deliberate, to help eliminate or track perjury (a la 'Midnight Sun')
Edward'sDJ chapter 7 . 8/27/2019
Un frere?
Edward'sDJ chapter 4 . 8/27/2019
Mr Bennet continues to get away with a lifetime of neglect and Darcy continues taking responsibility for cleaning up everyone's mess
Edward'sDJ chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
Thank goodness they have Geoffrey
Guest chapter 28 . 12/2/2018
wow what a ride!
Guest chapter 13 . 12/2/2018
Hahahahah oh noo Darcy getting that sex-Ed talk in early!
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