Reviews for Feels Like Today
Kirsten-B chapter 6 . 6/28/2007

I really like this fic. Is there any chance that you might update again, maybe sometime soon?
Caunoiech chapter 4 . 7/4/2006
Oh my, ask and it shall be done! Look how quickly you have a chapter out! Still loving the story, hope Aragorn figures out something to do to gain Legolas' trust.
Caunoiech chapter 3 . 7/3/2006
Yes! A good, new story! I can't wait to see where this goes! Hopefully we'll be getting a new chapter soon enough. _.

-Hands author a dr. Pepper-

I like your characterizations, but I thought Elessar was a name Aragorn adopted later? Wasn't he called 'Hope' in the house of Elrond? i'm sorry- it's your story, you can do what you like. And I'm sure a large numebr of people brought that up already.
Selene Aduial chapter 3 . 7/2/2006
I think it's pretty weird for Elladan and Elrohir not to know just who Legolas is, as far as I know the elves only use a name once. But perhaps you'll tell use later on why they didn't know him.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2006
You have some interesting ideas but your calling Aragorn Elessar is getting on my nerves. Aragorn wasn't called Elessar (the elfstone) until after the fellowship was formed. That was a name he picked up because of the green stone (gem) he wore on his head when he parted with company after the victory over Sauron, the wedding and such. Galadrial gave him the stone in Lothlorien after she asked him what he wanted and he made some comment making reference to Arwen. Galadrial had given the stone to her daughter Celebrian, and Celebrain gave it to her daughter Arwen (who left it there for him just incase he should pass that way). The stone was green (not white like in the movie, and it was a lot bigger).

Also, Legolas didn't ride Arod until after he met Eomer in the book (or movie) Two Towers. Arod was one of the horses Eomer gave them.

I will try not to pick on you to much because I do like parts of your story, particularly the flashback with Legolas and his brother, it's just that those two things are so out of place that it is grating. (Unless this takes place after the Return of the King but then why don't they know each other and there's no way that Aragorn's gaurd would leave him, particulaly without even a horse. That and Elrond sailed to Valinor around two years after the end of the war.)

Please keep writing I am interested in seeing where this story will go.

Have a great day! :) please don't take my comments as insults. ;(

Svana chapter 2 . 7/1/2006
I like it ;)
Enfant De Boheme chapter 2 . 7/1/2006
Wow, this is so good :):):) Please update soon!
Tathariel chapter 2 . 6/30/2006
Hi, um.. look, there's one issue with this story I feel someone should point out to you. It's started out well, and you have a nice writing style but.. Aragorn should probably be referred to as "Estel" or maybe "Aragorn", but not.. "Elessar". "Elessar" is one of the titles he takes on more prominently when he becomes the King of Gondor. I can't really see him wanting to be known as "Elessar" while he's still a ranger. And considering at this point he's still in hiding from Sauron and his forces, he should probably just be known as "Estel". Okay? I don't know if that made much sense, sorry if it didn't, but .. yeah. The name is annoying me a little bit.

Hm.. what else? Oh, this sentence doesn't make sense .. chapter 1, "He wondered why an elf was alone so far behind." So far behind .. where? What?

Okay! So, I look forward to the next chapter! And.. maybe it's time for Aragorn to have a name change.

irishanor chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
It has an intriguing first chapter and is well-written. I'm interested to see where the meeting of Aragorn will lead Legolas and what exactly has happened to our favorite elf! I hope you update soon!