Reviews for Golden Age
twlightbella chapter 6 . 8/7/2016
The messenger chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.

May GOD forgive you.
HelenaWayne10 chapter 15 . 7/29/2013
Please please please update! I need to know what happens next!
ANNAFLORINDA chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
I really do love this story and I would really like to see what more could happen to the four Pevensies after all of this has happened. Are you going to continue the story, or have you finished?
Kind regards, ANNAFLORINDA.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/7/2013
I really do love this story, but I was wondering, are you ever going to finish it?
TheHungryGamer chapter 15 . 2/6/2013
Guest chapter 15 . 8/23/2012
Great story..though I would like to know what happend to Jonathan and how he and Peter got on better!
Heatherfeatherz chapter 15 . 6/18/2012
Ugh, Roydon Disguists me..poor Lucy! I feel so bad for her :( I hope you let her meet a really great guy in the story, who really loves her! Please come back and finish it!
Queen Angie the Unusual chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
This is pure fanfiction gold. I read this all in one go, and by the time I was done I was so giddy and full of mixed emotions, it was unreal!


I'm not saying write 15 more chapters, but just 2 or three, to tie up loose ends. You know what, I could even deal with 1. Please, one more chapter!

Love it and love all your stories!

Stay lovely!

x Queen of Fairytales
faeriedust12 chapter 15 . 1/1/2011
Oh my god this fanfiction is Amazing! It's so beautifully written and so REAL. I should have been doing homework, but instead I read all of it in one go. I really hope that you continue writing this as it's one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. I'm going to have to go and read all your other stories now :) I may go back and comment on every chapter of this, beware!

Peter: I'm not sure what to think of you. I don't think I like Kiera, but I don't think she would be so bad.

Susan: Poor thing. But at least she has two wonderful children and is safe. I hope she hasn't completely given up on love though.

Edmund: Gosh, I want to just give Edmund a hug... no, wait, I want to find a wonderful guy to give Edmund a hug and make everything better. I love that he turned out to be such a great father. Don't stay away from your kids Edmund! There's nothing wrong with you!

Lucy: Oh no, poor Lucy. I hope you find your love!

Okay, so I wish everyone a happy ending, but that's just how I am :) Please write more!
Kiryn chapter 15 . 12/28/2010
I wish you would continue this. It's extraordinarily well-written, and you've practically single-handedly converted me to a gay Edmund. Is this fic abandoned? I hope not. Keep writing, anyway!
redcat512 chapter 8 . 6/2/2010
Great story so far, absolutely loving it.

One thing I must nitpick about is this sentence in chapter 8: "I know that you are used to Peter and I looking after you, but we are all grown-ups now and we must all support one another."

I know that teachers at school would always correct you if you said "Me and Bobby went to the beach", etc and say that the correct way to say it is "Bobby and I went to the beach" but what they failed to say is that this only applies if "bobby and I" is/are the subject of the sentence, i.e. the people doing whatever it is. If "bobby and I/me" is the OBJECT of the sentence, i.e. the action is being done TO them, as in your sentence, it is more correct to say "me" than "I". Think about it this way, if it is only "I" who is mentioned in the sentence, there is no way you would say "you are used to I looking after you". You would say "you are used to ME looking after you" instead.

Err, now that I’m done with that, it's a great story, and I hope you are not offended, and I hope I do not sound patronizing. Maybe you already knew all that, and it was just a slip of the tongue (hand? keyboard?) in which case, please disregard the above, but I did say it just in case you didn't know.
Aerianna Lupin chapter 15 . 12/14/2009
I love this story, I just read it all and I absolutly love it! I really hope your not planning on abandoning it, it's such a good story. I can't wait to see what happens next!:)
Hiei-and-shino chapter 15 . 11/14/2009
so I was seeing your profile and I noticed this fanfic. And I say that day to myself "Oh, I will read this fanfic one day"

Yesterday I was full of inspiration and I decided to read it.


God, it's amazing! I am loving it so much and I wish I could see an update, someday :3

Seriously, I am shocked about this! I never saw a fanfic like that! D

It's just too great to talk properly!

Great, great job in this fanfic! And I have to say that you are, now, my favorite author in Narnia's fandom

Kisses and I will wait for the update and follow this fanfic until the very end of it!
Barkers3 chapter 15 . 8/15/2009
Wow, good story! I am very caught up in it :D
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