Reviews for Metamorphosis
shieldmaiden19 chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
WHOA. This is a freaking masterpiece and you should be insanely proud. What look at these characters - to think of Tonks reminding her mother of her past, recognizing, and responding to those memories? It gets to something really human and something everyone can relate to. For years when I was growing up, we never had alcohol in the house, never talked about drinking beyond a glass of wine on special days because they reminded my mother of growing up in the home of an alcoholic. So congratulations, kudos, salutes - this is an amazing piece of writing. Thanks for writing and sharing :)
bikelock28 chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
I love this story. I've often thought that Metamorphing was more complicated than JK had time to tell us about in the books, and the idea of it raises a lot of questions, which I liked how you looked into here. I loved the idea that Tonks' real appearance is like the Blacks (again, there was much more to say about that family relationship than he novel had time for) and you did a great job of showing Andromeda's confusion and resentment about that. The 2nd-person narration was very effective. I liked how you brought up Andromeda's betrayal of her family and how that never stops affecting her, and if Tonks would have to duel escpaed!Sirius.

My favourite lines were:
- "She's a got a cousin and a sister locked away You-Know-Where"- great fear in that, both of Azkaban, of Andromeda, and from Andromeda towards the world.
- "Why do you have to have Sirius' smile?"- that was a real knife in the heart.
- "When you open your eyes they are grey and you are Black"- I liked the pun r.e colours, and the tension in this reveal.

A really through-provoking and affecting story, well done.
bethb1973 chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
I enjoyed it very much. The fact it's not what you intended when you started says much of your incredible talent!

Anastasia Tremaine chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
I loved your portrayal of Andromeda and how hard it was for her to leave her past behind. I loved the reasoning behind the way Tonks chose to look - the idea that she chose the clumsiness and the language as much as she chose her hair. One of the things that makes Tonks so loved amongst the Harry Potter fandom is the idea that she could look anyway she chose and yet chose to have pink hair and not be abnormally beautiful. But this, the idea of the sacrifices Tonks had to make, that Tonks chose the way she looked for someone else, it makes Tonks even more of an appealing character. I loved the ending, and I'm glad Tonks could forgive Andromeda, because it's impossible to blame Andromeda for everything. Anyway, I'm rambling. That really was a beautiful piece.
FrostedFire chapter 1 . 9/5/2017
this... legitimately made me cry! it's so beautifully written and i absolutely loved the ending!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Definitely enjoyed this! Thank you
We'reAllMad chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Oh my goodness, it's so amazing. I love this story, and how you write in general. I often forget that Tonks IS actually partially a Black, and reading this just blew my mind. It's incredibly touching, how loyal and supportive Tonks is of Andromeda (funnily enough, because shouldn't it be the other way around?), and you portrayed the characters beautifully.
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Oh *Dora*...
forever4 chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Honestly enjoyed every reading every word of this story. Please forgive me as I don't have a way with words and this review is much shorter than I intended it to be- I'm still processing your story and can't pinpoint exactly why I loved it so much. It has many layers, and it'll take me awhile to think through it. Anyway, great job!
musingmarauder chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
This fic is incredible. I love Tonks' transformations and the way she and Andromeda are still so affected by the Black family and their history. Your writing is wonderful.
paper parasols chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
I read your story a long time ago and it's still as wonderful as it was back then. the way you handled the fact Andromeda will always be affected by her upbringing is lovely: I cannot dislike her for forcing so much on her daughter. she's caught between her two worlds. and Tonks. i love her for the things she sacrifices and how it actually makes her feel. amazing writing.
Mrs.GingerHinkley chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
This is an incredible and surprisingly comprehensive examination of Andromeda and Nymphadora. I read no rough patches, only very good writing and convincing inner thoughts.

Oh, part one made me so sad. And the eyes being the first to cause Andromeda pain, something about this is so tragic.

Well done.
phoenix008 chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
I love how this story challenges the readers to look at the characters with new eyes.. it might not have come out the way you wanted it to, but i think you did a great job capturing Andromeda's angst about her family and the sacrifices she has to make... which are reflecting in the transformations that Dora goes through..
DELETED113213213 chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
The idea of the back story is one I've never thought of. So glad I read this.
Dragonist chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
Sad. Amazing. I feel... monosyllabic.
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