Reviews for A Thermos for Valerie
Potkanka chapter 12 . 2/11/2019
Oh I enjoyed this fic a lot! The summary interested me enough that I kept reading even after I realized the fic is in first person (I... maybe I just have bad experience with first person fics, but I pretty much turn around and run when I realize I stumbled across one). Danny's obsessiveness sure shined through and I like that they touched on all relevant problems and doubts (or at least I can't think of anything else... maybe telling her who Vlad is, but that's probably not a topic for this moment, they'll have time to talk about what info they have at some other time) and that even after Valerie apologized and even hugged Danny, she was still thrown by actually seeing him transform, seeing him as Phantom. Seeing is believing and all that :D

Phew, but am I glad for this last chapter! The 11th had a cool ending but I wanted to know what happened after anyway. I was actually starting to feel a bit claustrophobic from that description of Danny in the thermos.

But all's well that ends well! And Valerie actually has the advantage of not being at risk of being sucked into the thermos in that fight against Skulker. But yeah, the idea of Skulker with a thermos... now that's scary, oh wow.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/26/2017
Girl-of-Action chapter 12 . 1/26/2017
I kinda wanted to see Skuler's reaction to this teamwork, but nonthless, thanks so much for writing~
Manetee1122 chapter 12 . 7/10/2016
What no more? Omg please finish this it's amazing!
neeniya chapter 12 . 6/25/2016
Danny's reasoning is far more than I thought it'd be. I just thought he'd want to tell her cuz he was tired of being beat up and he knew she'd find out eventually, most likely right after gunning him down. But wow, Danny boy looking out for the future.
But now he's got another ally and he's gonna kick ghost butt like never before!

Really good fic. I loved Danny's contemplation of the universe there. Especially the thought of whether or not two ghosts in a thermos would blend together or just be squished.
Karen1313 chapter 12 . 2/16/2016
I love this story. It was beautifully written and the transitions were smooth but not rushed. Excellent work! :D
Auua Ytjoml chapter 11 . 10/10/2013
I just love the ending to this chapter. No matter how many times's I've read it it still gets me; coming as one of those warm fuzzy surprises that you know is coming and yet still manage to make you shriek (or gasp or laugh or whatever you do - I was going for the Christmas analogy) for joy. Great job!
God Bless!
DiscordianSamba chapter 3 . 3/28/2013
Oh wow, you write Valerie and Danny very well. Going on to read more of this for sure, it's great!
Lizzhugsturtles chapter 6 . 6/30/2012
Wow. I like this
Pinnatus chapter 12 . 4/5/2012
Definitely one of my favorite fics ever! I love how you took the idea that Danny's obsession is not to become evil and if he does become evil to ensure he can't bring any harm. Using Valerie as a plot device in combination with his secret and forgiveness makes everything work brilliantly. I can't stop marveling at your genius!

So well-written and really flows like a are so many positive things that make this story work. Danny encounters problems and things don't go as planned. Valerie is believable because she doesn't forgive him right away. Jazz is so IC and would definitely be scolding Danny and quoting some egg head.

It had just the right amount of sarcasm, character development, suspense and surprise. You really used 1st person POV to your advantage.

Keep up the great work!
Murazor chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
I liked the story a great deal, particularly the exploration of Danny's foibles and his having an actual reason for giving Valerie the Thermos, beyond simple honesty and friendship.

Because giving her that thing and trusting her was the decent thing to do, but giving her something Just In Case is also the smart thing to do (TM).
Lady GryphonInia chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
Vague Apparitions chapter 12 . 12/4/2010
Ack. This was awesome.

- Vague.
anonymous baka chapter 7 . 11/1/2010
Second verse, the same as the first;

a little bit louder, a little bit worse.

That would be HILARIOUS if Danny sang that to Val.

Or if Tucker locked Danny in a ghost shield and sang until he went insane... wow i'm so mean _
cattychan09 chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
(Loudly and off-key, while splashing)

I'm picking out a Thermos for you

Not an ordinary thermos for you

But the extra best thermos you can buy

with vinyl

and stripes

and a cup built right in!

I'm picking out a Thermos for you

And maybe a barometer too.

And what else can I buy,

so on me you will rely,

a rear-end thermometer too.

-Steve Martin (as Navin R. Johnson in "The Jerk")
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