Reviews for Little Angels
Melanie chapter 71 . 10/10/2019
I Am a HUGE Fan of this story and ALL your stories. Hope you update soonish. You a quite talented as a writer.
TYSM for your MerDer stories. Write On...
Guest chapter 71 . 9/30/2019
More more more! I waited for sooo long for chapter 71.
Patsy chapter 71 . 9/27/2019
I Love this story. TYSM . Can't wait for more.
Patsy chapter 70 . 7/8/2019
I am a Devoted Fan of All your stories. I'm anxious for the next chapter of this story. Please post soonish and TYSM for all your MerDer make my day;)
Patricia White chapter 70 . 5/31/2019
Will you be updating this story soon. I just finished rereading this fanfiction and would love to get an update as I really enjoy your writing and I would also like to know what happens to Jack, Sam and Charlotte.
Guest chapter 70 . 10/9/2018
Can't wait toe and more of this beautiful story. Please keep posting. Thank You!
Melanie chapter 70 . 10/3/2018
Can't wait for the "Tour".. I sense Some Fireworks on the Horizon. Can't wait for more.
Patsy chapter 70 . 10/2/2018
You are Amazing. Thank You so much for continuing this story. It is Sooo good. I truly hope that a Jack and Ant end up son sounds adorable. Can't wait for more. I hope Jack doesn't marry Charlotte.
Melanie chapter 69 . 9/13/2018
I cannot wait to read more of this story. Please keep posting here. You areQuite a gifted writer and I Adore the way you write MerDer. I'll a Ship them and Love them Forever. These stories make my day.
MerDer2015 chapter 69 . 8/4/2018
What an AWESOME Story. I cannot wait to read more. Mark is being Quite an Ass,but; I have a feeling he'll come around.
Patsy chapter 69 . 7/29/2018
OMG! Just now caught up and what a cliff you left us on. This us one of the best MerDer stories I have Ever ! Ever!
Read and I've read them all and I'm still reading some that I just had the pleasure if discovering. You Light Up My Summer and it's Sizlling where I live. Thank You for posting this. I cannot wait to read more. You Are Amazing :P
MerDer2015 chapter 68 . 7/10/2018
Ok -Dying for another chapter here. This is such a beautiful MerDer story. I'm in love with this all over again andI'm delighted you are posting again on this site. I Always have been and will be a MerDer Shipper. They are just an Iconic Couple and the epitome of Tru Love. Please continue. I'd even read a new MerDer fic if you decide to write one. Your AU's are a wonderful read. Thank You. Please update;)
Patsy chapter 68 . 6/19/2018
So glad that Jack and Matt are friends again. It's great that Matt is getting better and walking. I love this story and the plot thickens. Can't wait. This story is so,so good. Thanks;)
Guest chapter 67 . 6/14/2018
Whatever you do, Don't stop writing this story. Just want to let you know that I'm re-reading this from the very beginning. It's wonderful. ;)
Patsy chapter 67 . 6/12/2018
WOW! Quite Explosive. I'm in tears for Matt. The twins are so adorable and jacks is I the best uncle-ever. Hopefully Matt will get out of this anger and depression soon. He breaks my heart and makes me want to punch him at the same time. Can't wait for more.
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