Reviews for Daddy's Girl
YesterdaysFuturesMemories chapter 12 . 10/31/2008
awesome storyy
PadmeKenobi chapter 12 . 11/13/2006
Wow, I love this story! It's awesome and sad at the same time, thank you for taking the time to write this! ). I'd put this on my favs, but its reach its limits. *tear* LOL. Off to go read your sequel now! Hehe.

Padme out.
HarryWhoFanatic chapter 12 . 10/28/2006
This story was so touching. It makes perfect sense. Everything just clicked, , like that! I loved it! Did I hear u say sequel?
NearlyHeadlessNic chapter 12 . 10/16/2006
*dances on spot*

Yey! A sequel...WooHoo! (when I feel heavy metal...) Sorry - Blur coming out there...

He's back the way we all know and love the Doctor :) Good for him and Jenny.

Will look out for sequel...put on author alert!

NHNic x
Black Magyk chapter 12 . 10/16/2006
Yay, sequal! Can't believe it's finished. One truely great fic!

QhRider89 chapter 11 . 10/14/2006
wow, I amost cried.. You know I wasn't going to read the whole thing, just the first chapter or two, but I got hooked.
Roobarb chapter 11 . 10/6/2006
Beautiful! Spot on, well written, passed a happy hour on this one today. And am on the look out now for those sequels! Really enjoyed it!

One note tho, just to be pedantic. I could be wrong but in the last chapter you quote from, I think, "And I Love Her" which is in actual fact a Lennon/McCartney song (although has been covered to death as is the case with most of their back catalogue) Just a point of information! Doesn't stop the story being excellent!
ladysnight chapter 11 . 10/4/2006
ooh! really liked it! I can't wait to read the sequel! Definatly put more action scenes in it though:-p i feel like i've missed out so far!
NearlyHeadlessNic chapter 11 . 10/3/2006

Yey! I love that little chapter...just little things made me laugh. Like Four Star Mary, FoB and Cliff Richard - an interesting, yet vast choice of songs. And the little bits of scottish coming through in the Doctor's dialogue. And Meet the Parents - Doctor Style.

Yes, there MUST be a sequel...hopefully a meet the parents with Jack's Mickey and Jenny. Eh? Eh?

Anyway, I think this review is by far long enough. Good story. Different then the usual Rose and the Doctor have a kid thing...

**applaudes and throws and rose**

NHNic x
timano chapter 10 . 9/27/2006
9 out of 10 stars; a very nice story. I look forward to the next chapter/the sequel.
ladysnight chapter 10 . 9/12/2006
This story is just so good... one thing though, i don't think the doctor would use the term 'Christ' cos he is Gallifreyan and therefore is more likely to use 'Rassilon' instead...Don't worry though, thatsjust me being picky :-p
Belllla chapter 10 . 9/12/2006
i luvs it1 Ouh-lease update soon!

Peace V
NearlyHeadlessNic chapter 10 . 9/12/2006
Interesting chapter. Poor Doctor :(

Anyway, I will look forwards to the sequals and the epilogue a lot.


NHNic x
Black Magyk chapter 10 . 9/12/2006
Oh god, that chap made me cry so much. Please update soon, I'll love you forever! And sequal soon too please thanks!

Black Magyk chapter 9 . 8/30/2006
Update soonly please! I kinda dont get the last bit about the laughing...

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