Reviews for Battling the Demons
Will is so cute chapter 10 . 8/17/2018
Thinking about Wilson’s ending...are u kind of a prophet?(Ch10)
OldSFfan chapter 10 . 7/14/2013
Your chapter is ironic in light of the series finale. Are you still there, by the way? I've found your early pieces through the House of Wump community on Fan Fiction.
BabalooBlue chapter 32 . 1/24/2013
Oh, cliff hanger! I've been glued to this since yesterday, looks like I'm not gonna get anything done around here today either then.

You got me hooked. This was a great sequel, I love the fact that House has come round to acceptance finally. Took him long enough, and it was hard work. But worth it, I hope. Because there must be a lot in store for the third part and I bet his new found acceptance is going to be tested.
BabalooBlue chapter 23 . 1/24/2013
Oh this 'prank' really had me laughing - and it brought a little fun back into a very serious and angsty story. Which I'm enjoying immensely, by the way!
almostdoctor07 chapter 17 . 12/19/2012


Bakerstreet Blues chapter 22 . 4/29/2012
let's not forget also the last time House had a head cold, he also saved the life of Wilson's patient Andie...pretty cool save that one was.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 11 . 4/29/2012
this is an incredibly insightful assessment of House, considering at this time we don't know his childhood like we do now. Yes, House has displayed EVERY symptom of child abuse (even at this point)...unworthy of love or friendship, adverse to contact, unwilling to divulge information about himself, emotionally stunted, manipulative (even though we don't see a lot of that from House, his is constantly accused of being that way), ALWAYS fights for those who cannot fight for themselves, doesn't defend himself, doesn't believe in "unconditional love", overly sensitive (another thing no one else sees) and definitely "relates" to children better than adults. Yea, I don't have a psychology degree, but yet, I see these things in House...oh yea the GIANT tell "I don't hate her, I HATE him" adult child "hates" a parent for NO REASON...

Great job rock.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 2 . 4/29/2012
I LOVE HOUSE'S INNER CHILD...wish he would come out to play more often...every time I see it, it absolutely tickles me senseless. KN, GREAT line "apparently, there is some sort of rule that I can't walk unless there's a grownup holding my hand"...CLASSIC. It is definitely rival to "STILL WIPING" (House's Head)
D Skeeeeze chapter 32 . 7/25/2009
This is an entirely positive review.. overall. DO NOT take this the wrong way. I got online, bored, and having never heard of this website. I randomly found it thorugh a search engine and found ur story coincidentally. I couldnt stop reading it. From beginning to end. It is an EXCELLENT story.. from start to finish. Very well written, characters well developed, pace and plot do their parts to keep it an absolutely riveting read. I would give this close to a 100 % as far as a rating of..? ... Goodness? .. i guess that word works lol

HOWEVER, the only only only lil gripe i can possibly concieve about this short story is this. ... its not quote HOUSE. in my opinion. maybe im the only one to think so. but.. i find the characters in this story as different as they could possibly be from the shows characters. I understand that that is BOUND to happen when an author writes stories in a world that he himself didn't create. But i still couldnt get over it entirely while reading. I thought house and wilson were too emotional and soft with each other. HOuse...albeit very ill msot of the time.. wasnt his rude.. hilariuos.. witty self. Wilson seemed les smart and intelligent in this. He didnt seem as wasnt as bad in my mind. .. also simply the language tehy used didnt seem characteristic of the real characters portrayed in the show.

all this being said.. thats not a bad thing in any any any way. If this story simply had different names and a different title.. i would rate it 100 percent goodness in this goodness scale. LIke i said earlier.. this is a positive review and this an excellent piece of writing. But when someone sees the title/label "House M.D." they expect to see a work that is as close to the original (in this case the fox tv show) as they can get. Obviously with all the naturally different variables that change from author to author.. its impossible to get the perfect match on a regular basis... but still.. in general.. if i begin reading a story that is written about a universe im already familiar with.. i expect it to have a continuity and similar feel as the original story/universe. Your story definitely followed the guidlines and basically kept the character descriptions and broad terms of the plot of the overall HOUSE universe intact.. i just didnt think ti was close enough. In a world like House MD's.. so much weight is placed on the relationships of the characters.. how they developt.. even how they talk. I just found the characters in ur story a lil too.. loosely interpreted.. even though they were largely the same(aka the mean guy is still the mean guy prissy girl still the prissy girl..etc)

So.. to sum this up. You wrote an excellent piece of fiction. Keep writing and i hope to read more from you. The only piece of criticism (hopefully constructive!).. is simply .. maybe make ur OWN world of doctors and names and backgrounds.. that way ppl wont have expectations of certain things at the get go. Like I said this is just my opinion on what woul dhave made ME enjoy this story more.. but im sure you got all positive reviews on this and i may look like a total tool with this long spiel... so.. good luck writing keep up the good work.. and just dont hate me if u hated my message.. or couldnt understand it haha. just trying to help.

yours truly,

D Skeze
Mekare184 chapter 32 . 5/31/2009
Hum. I might forgive you for leaving the left leg unattended. BUT only because *giddy smile* there's gonna be MORE FIC! HOORAY!
Mekare184 chapter 31 . 5/31/2009
ah the fuzzies *dopeysmile*
Mekare184 chapter 30 . 5/31/2009
Well, that was unexpected. But it is so characteristically House to eavesdrop and butt in at the opportune moment. :-)
Mekare184 chapter 29 . 5/31/2009
I have SUCH a big grin on my face now. So glad House finally figured it out. It was high time he did it.

You write their friendships so beautifully. You can feel the love, all the way.
Mekare184 chapter 28 . 5/31/2009
Again with the drama! But the last scene more then made up for it!
Mekare184 chapter 27 . 5/31/2009
I'll repeat, it's really not the smooth road for him, is it? I have no clue about medical stuff but this is all a lot in a short span of time, isn't it? But then I figure you're the expert. And then there's artistic license and all that.

But then again I'll gladly appreciate any plot device as long as it gets me these brilliant insights into the characters' minds.
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