Reviews for The Song Remains the Same
Guest chapter 42 . 1/24/2016
SARA! I have read all of these chapters in three days! I NEED more pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!
nights of wonder chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
This looks great
Guest chapter 42 . 2/9/2014
I wish you would finish this story. I hope that you're not dead. I really want to see buffy with her daughter in a new nice foster family. She deserves it. Please if you're going to one day finish this story, make that happen. Please, if you're not dead, UPDATE AGAIN SOON! Bye!
Jofrench22 chapter 42 . 2/6/2014
I really can't wait for her to have her daughter back. I don't like the attitude of both the foster family. I really hate it. It's like buffy has all the bad stuff thrown at her. I'm impressed at how she manages it all and does all those "awfull" things just for getting her daughter back. You better make the judge let her have her daughter back because after all she has been put through, she deserves it. I really want her to be with kathie again. It's so cruel to separate them. I can't wait for the story to move to april and let her be in another (nicer) foster family and with her daughter. It's been almost four years since you last updated so i was wondering if maybe you abandonned this story or god forbid you're dead. I hope you're not dead. Anyway, please at least consider writing again this story because it's amazing and very realistic despite what some of your previous author note said. And i can't wait to know what happen next and if that serial killer is one day gonna be arrested. I bet you it's ben. I want to see this story finished so please, find your muse. Please UPDATE SOON! Bye!
sgkg chapter 42 . 11/17/2012
damn it all this story is great and I read it all today and it's an incomplete story that will never be finished but it's so amazingly great with all of its awesome storyline s tying together. I hope you're not dead.
Holly chapter 42 . 11/19/2010
Great story. I remember reading it awhile ago. I am glad that you are updating it again. Please upadate soon. Hopenyou get better soon too.
SoUtHeRnBeLLe706 chapter 42 . 9/28/2010
wow, you updated! sooo happy, i had kinda forgotten about this story (sorry) but i thought about it today and remembered EVERYTHING about it and the title and decided to try my luck and see if it had been updated and low and updated like a week ago! yay! and loved it by the way
E chapter 42 . 9/25/2010
Loving the story. It's really good. I hope ur feeling better. Take care
LadyLucifer94 chapter 41 . 6/6/2010
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I reaaly love this fanfic, you've played all characters really well and I would really like for you to continue doing so but it hasn't been updated in a year so I guess that isn't gonna happen eh? Aaah well, good on ya for going this far with it _
hotshorty chapter 32 . 5/19/2010
SoUtHeRnBeLLe706 chapter 41 . 4/26/2010
thank you for getting back to me, i saw that you had this posted on here and was so happy because this has the story alert and very thankful that you are going to continue because this is wonderful. cant wait and looking forward to it!
SisterGrimmErin chapter 41 . 4/12/2010
I love the theme of miscommunication in your story- and the various POVs portray it so well. I'm so glad Neko turned me on to this, and I just want to convey how beautiful it truly is.
Brittaney chapter 41 . 3/17/2010
Your story is one of the best ive read on here, i was just woundering if you were going to finish it. i hope so its really good, it would be sad if you didnt.
DammitJim chapter 41 . 12/6/2009
an wonderful fic. SUch an emotional rollercoaster. I can only hope it all works out in the end!
Randomly-Lame-Username chapter 41 . 9/7/2009
oh! I love, love, Love LOve LOVe LOVE your story! Please update soon! :)
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