Reviews for Save the Living
Sokulski chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Oh that was beautiful! Man, if that were what happened, that would give me a huge understanding of Ryuuken. I swear he is probably worried about Uryuu under that stern face of his! .
Blackrose2005 chapter 1 . 7/4/2008
Angst, but awesome...

Sadly, 1 tear just happened 2 fall when it endded...

It was just so sad...
riverdaleswhiteflash chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
virtualailee chapter 1 . 7/26/2007
I - wow... I mean, really, yup, this is it. This is exactly how Ryuuken (and all fictional fathers who are deemed cold and callous) should be portrayed. Of course we get terrible fictional dads like Denethor...

Back to the story. Your story. Your amazing story! It echoes themes like "too late to be sorry" and "cherish the present" and more. And they're superbly woven into one chapter like this! Full of emotion, yup, especially the last few paragraphs.

Must check your other work about Ryuuken-Uryuu. Do you have any by the way? Oh whatever. I'll check your profile now!

All the best!

Ai Lee
Maggie Cohen chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
That was amazing! I loved it.
Uchiha Ryken chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
Talk about a hard review to follow. lol

I thought you did an awesome job with Ryuuken's character! I liked how you broke it down into the defining points of his life and how well you got inside his head. Awesome story!
Alaena Night chapter 1 . 1/26/2007
This is so positively amazing that no words in the world could possibly do it justice, but for the sake of your wonderful story, I guess I'm gonna have to untie my tongue.

Let's begin with with the basics.


Okay. Now that's done with, I have to say that this is one of the best stories I've ever read. I love how you skip through their lives, love how your style pierces straight through a person's heart, love how it's so clear and strong and beautiful. The description is so vivid I can see it, the emotions so real I can feel them, and by the end of this, my eyes were all misty! *wipes tears*

You have caught Ryuuken perfectly here. I've written him in a multichapter fic, but I can only hope to one day write him as well as you do. It's so hard to find fics about him and Ishida!

Anyway, each transition was perfect. The lines that ended each were strong, almost a story in themselves. Your writing is the kind I can read over and over, and find something new in each time, the sort of emotion I can feel over and over again.

Lines I LOVED:

- Ryuuken would touch the blanket that covered the small body and watch him breathing while the silence watched them both.

- He smiled and refused, drove home, and sat in the strange silence of a house that was full of the people who weren't there anymore.

Just a couple examples of your amazing style. I like how you emphasize what's not there between them. The last paragraph deserves a shrine all to itself, as well.

Write on.

Neptune47 chapter 1 . 7/23/2006
Oh. My. God. You made me like Ryuuken. I didn't that was possible.

That was an amazingly touching story, written perfectly in character for a character we hardly know anything about. I think that's become my Ishida family canon now. Great, fantastic work. another fav.
battle maid not signed in chapter 1 . 7/22/2006
So perfect. You've captured every facet of Uryuu's and Ryuuken's relationship so accurately and you've couched it in writing that's both beautiful and passionate. This piece was forceful and emotional, and I loved every word of it.
Minna chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
I loved this! Very touching
banana.andthena - 2.0 chapter 1 . 7/11/2006
omg...did Ishida Uryuu DIE?
Mutou Yasu chapter 1 . 7/8/2006
Wow... That was terribly depressing... But I really liked it... I hope to see more...
