Reviews for Shichi
meganechan720 chapter 1 . 11/30/2010
Wow. This is amazing. I know it's complete, and it feels complete, but I'd love to see more of this big, amazing family.
JinxBlade chapter 1 . 4/1/2010
*Contented sigh* I really like this. It feels...wholesome. Job well done.
bonez1925 chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
O.O WOW! This is one of the best ninja turtles oneshot I've ever read! Married! With kids! Just WOW!
Ninjagirl27 chapter 1 . 4/5/2008
That was awesome! At the very last part, I was like "oh no! It can't have happened" and then I was like "no!" and then I was like "awe! so sweet" and then, then I had to get a sip of tea, and then, then I stopped. THe story ahd ended. Great story. Bye!
Miyo86 chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
Absolutely brilliant : P
russetfans abandoned account chapter 1 . 2/15/2008
Oh, that was so sweet and lovely and sad and I was crying a bit at the end! Wonderful job!
OSYH chapter 1 . 6/3/2007
In a word, amazing.
Kestrel2 chapter 1 . 5/19/2007
wow, I loved that story. I was near tears at the end. So deep and moving.
Sailor Event Horizon chapter 1 . 5/7/2007
*claps* Beautiful.
Eridani23 chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
That was...yeah... thatwas just, wow. I have no words. You are an excellent writer and I look forward to seeing more of your work.
mac chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
hey me again forgot to ask where's leatherhead during all this? did you forget about him?
mac chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
that... that was an awsome story just amazing i love it. way to go.
5265742755 chapter 1 . 7/16/2006
That was so sad... But I loved it all the same. It was so sweet and some parts made me cry. I loved it. You wrote this extremly well. I could feel the emotions. Good job and your right, "He who lives with honor, dies with honor."

Longing for Leo chapter 1 . 7/15/2006
This is one of the most moving stories I've seen on-line. Wow. Just, just wow. It was amazing really. I love the whole concept of big family reunions. Leo and his students/kids was my favorite family, but the others are really cute too. Great story! :D
Jessiy Landroz chapter 1 . 7/14/2006
As beautifully, emotionally, touchingly and bittersweet as it could ever be, I am at loss of words to discribe how amasingly heartfelt this story was!

At first, I thought that a oneshot this long would be better chopped into two or three chapters, if only for the sake of loading time, but now that I've read the whole thing, it makes sense that it's all in one piece!

April married Casey and had two lovely kids. Don married a turtle girl and had a twin, (and why am I not surprised he named one Kirby? XD ) Leo adopted four younglings that are so much liek him and his brothers when they were young, it's adorable~ Mike married a- 'complicated' mutant girl, *pokes you* an alligator hybrid, I persume? And never grew up? LOL! leaving Raph and Angel together with a child of thier own, though you've mentioned Raph's the 'adoptive' father, hmm...

Splinter is gone, but never fogotten. True, so ture indeed.
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