Reviews for Head Over Heels
SilverCyanide chapter 10 . 12/14/2017
I'm going to be honest: this is going to be a long review. I don't know if you'll ever see it. I don't know if you get Fanfiction notifications anymore, and if you do, I don't know if you'll open them, and if you open them, it's likely you won't even remember me. I've changed pennames, and been off the site for some time. So have you. So have so many of us. I don't know if you even still love this series, or cherish it in your heart in a secret way. You've likely moved on with your life, because you were an adult when this started. I hope you've moved on in a great direction, because you deserve it.

I'm rambling. Sorry. My old penname was simply KiriharaAkaya. (It's now SilverCyanide. I had to log out to leave this review, because the site only lets me post one per chapter, and I reviewed it back in 2007 when it was released.) We never interacted much, but I am sure I left dutiful reviews on your fics. Your writing has always astonished me.

Someone on my twitter timeline rec'd Ice Breaker the other day, and before I even clicked on it, just from the title, I went, "Isn't that the one by FallingMarshmallows? That collab fic with FallingSilver?" Sure enough, it was. I need to re-read it too, but I decided to reread Head Over Heels first because I'm on a YuushiGakuto kick.

It's been ten years since I've last been here. Almost eleven, given the final publish date of this fic.

It is every bit as good as I remember it.

Maybe that just means my standards haven't changed. Maybe they're abysmally low; I don't know. What I know is I enjoyed this when I was twelve, and now at 23-almost-24, I still enjoyed it. My life has changed a lot; I've *been through* a lot. I've been lucky enough to fall in love once, even. That feels like relevant information, given the content of the fic.

I'll move on, I suppose, from ramblings about me. This fic-your writing-the imagery is superb. You have a habit of rambling sentences a bit long (I do this as well, so I find it charming instead of a turn off), but what you're actually saying superceeds the grammatical way in which you say it. Your grasp on emotional nuancy is strong, and I think the *way* you write them in love is one of the most interesting. I fell in love in a very traditional way-it was At First Sight, it was butterflies in your stomach and Knowing, it was flushes and obvious flirting and a little bit of friends with benefits before it became anything. But these two: it's different, and it's beautifully and realistically different. It's slow burn not just for the sake of the fic, but for the sake of the actual characters. It's slow burn because that, and that confused feeling, the way you feel practically sick to your stomach and angry and disoriented, is how it is for some people. I believe this now, in a way I never believed when I was younger.

I could give countless descriptions of imagery that blew me away, but that seems shallow, just listing parts of the fic I liked. The truth is, it's all of it. There's not a moment in this fic that *doesn't* connect for me, doesn't ring true, even though I've never experienced things in such a way. On top of that, the character voices are dead on. Atobe is difficult to do correctly, in my experience. Gakuto, perhaps even harder. Yuushi, easy to fall into a specific pattern with. Maybe these are just my own failings in writing, but I've noticed them across fandom as well. You managed to write them as diversely and dynamically as Konomi-sensei intended, perhaps even moreso. I want to thank you for that.

More than anything, I want to thank you for writing and sharing with the fandom. Your fics are one of the greatest gifts I've received, however unintentional. I didn't remember this until today, but growing up, my *goal* was to write as well as you do. I still haven't accomplished it. Maybe I never will. I think I'd be content if my own writing has become (will become, could become) even a fraction as good as yours. You have reminded me why I started creating in the first place, and helped inspire me in a way I haven't felt in years. Atop that, your voice is so distinctive, while not pulling the reader out of what they are reading. If you wrote (have written?) novels, short stories, poems-I'd love to know, love to access them.

I suppose I want to end this review with a thank you, and ask, if you do see it, to perhaps get in contact. Perhaps that is weird. After all, we were never really Friends. But you are an old voice in this fandom (a fandom I've recently jumped back into because I *can't* deny how much I love it), a familiar presence, and more than that-you are an astounding artist, one with whom I would love to catch up. Even if you opt not to though, my thanks extends. Your writing, quite simply, changed my life and how I functioned as a creative. It gave me emotional support at a time I needed it. It taught me a lot, even if I wasn't consciously aware of it at that time. This is all precious to me, and I hope, at least in part, that it can be precious to you too.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, as cliche as that is.

Auf Wiedersehen~
OrphndAcct chapter 10 . 4/10/2015
In honesty, this lovely piece of work is the best Dirty Pair fanfiction I have read. I was in the mood to read Prince of Tennis fanfics but I have grown tired of the constant Pillar, Royal, Platinum... So I searched for Dirty Pair and you did not disappoint me.

Goodness, I remember the setting you have described and my God, it's beautiful. The development between Yuushi and Gakuto is just moving. My heart ached and throbbed for them, constantly as I read chapter by chapter! The amazing point of your story is how these two are in desperate need of one another and how they realize that. My love, Keigo is one devious schemer!

It makes me scream like a banshee when I read the part where Gakuto tell Yuushi, "I can't reach you." While he replies that he can because he can fly! Oh this is beyond romantic. I felt like you explained why Dirty Pair dissolved their doubles in a clear depiction of their feelings of love. The puzzlement I had when they stopped being a doubles pair, in better ways, blew far away.

Thank you for creating such a brilliant fanfic. Psst, I somehow imagined you'd sneak the keywords, "Dirty Pair," but it's alright without it.
CalebKing chapter 10 . 4/2/2013
Yet again, I love how you included sweet or important things from canon, and especially Choutarou saying Shishido's pet phrase - that was one of my favorite scenes in the anime!

I've not commented yet on your lack of spelling errors and bad grammar, but it is /so/ pleasant to read something not only well-written but well edited! Though I can put up with both (because this is fanfiction) it's jarring to have my attention caught by an easily-fixed spelling problem. So major kudos and just thanks for a fantastic read!
CalebKing chapter 9 . 4/2/2013
Hide and seek in the dark scares the living daylights out of me. And I'm close to thirty..

But yay! Resolution. And Atobe continues to win it all by making the funniest comments on his teammates. Did you just wink at a possible Atobe-Jiro romance there? I love them, too, but they do seem more capable of keeping it under wraps.
CalebKing chapter 8 . 4/2/2013
Gah! So many great lines in this chapter, and I love that you had the silver pair stop them from going past the critical point. And that comparison to silver and gold... just great.
CalebKing chapter 7 . 4/2/2013
Oh geez, that "...Usu?" was hilarious. And Atobe is far /far/ too knowing.

I haven't even finished reading the chapter, but I just had to love on your side story of Shishido and Choutarou's romance. Even if it's making Gakuto feel sick, It's making me fangirl (quietly) while reading.

I've alternatively wanted to kick Gakuto and then Yuushi in the rear for being idiots (though their circumstances are clearly what is causing the confusion). But now I just want to kick Yuushi. Great writing and flow, as usual! Onto the next chapter.
CalebKing chapter 6 . 4/2/2013
Yay! Not only development and great filling-out, but a reasonable time-line of canon! Considering how many holes Konomi leaves, this was a great way to explain their trip to the mountains. I'm looking forward to their reunion with Seigaku and of course more development! (Is there a clue-trout coming, or just gentle revelation?)

I'm so happy I don't have to wait to find out!
CalebKing chapter 2 . 4/2/2013
So, I didn't comment on your first chapter, but both are great - I love how you're writing the outside perspective of the Shishido-Ootori story, since only Atobe /did/ see them practicing late at night. Your pov writing sounds in-character and still expands their characters. Somehow, I just never put that together with the shock the rest of the team would feel - not just at Shishido returning, but Atobe throwing them into doubles, and to me, that shows how much thought you've put into this story.

And I like how Atobe is still all-knowing, even while he lets his team stumble and bumble to find their way.
Sorry if this is long, but I only recently delved into the mad obsession that Prince of Tennis is, and had to go searching for decent fic for my favorite school. Thanks for writing these two!
wammyhousee101 chapter 9 . 10/21/2012

so cute, and funny...
wammyhouse101 chapter 8 . 10/21/2012
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo

why? why? why?

why must it be like this?
wammyhouse101 chapter 7 . 10/21/2012
i... its just... i cant... just...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

its so sweet, and... and sinsere and... i...

its fanfictions like this that make me an antisociaal nerd becaause they are wrote to well, and just have to good a storyline
wammyhouse101 chapter 5 . 10/21/2012
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
kitkit11183 chapter 10 . 4/21/2012
Truth be told I dislike how arrogant the Hyotei team is and often times I just wanted to bash the main characters' heads in for their idiocy. Yet the characterization was very true to the characters and it was so easy to see everything happen, so I commend you for your skills. Furthermore, relationship development happened at a solid pace. Excellent job.
Kimihearts chapter 10 . 1/17/2012
Beautifully written! XD lovely fic! Great job!
Orch chapter 9 . 12/12/2011
That was legitimately some of the best sap I've ever read. You phrase everything so beautifully ! *sighs contentedly* All the scenes are coming together..._ You're a wonderful writer.
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