Reviews for The End Starts Today
Semerket chapter 6 . 11/13/2012
I wish you would finish this.
Harlequin Gaga chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
Oh wow...

It's such a pity that you're probably not gonna finish this. I know so. Because EVERY time I find a fic that I like, it always leaves us cut off at the WORST parts! I know I shouldn't get my hopes up...but PLEASE finish this! PLEASE! I need inspiration like this!

But as for a review,

You have serious talent. Your extensive vocabulary makes me feel stupid, which is something I rarely see. You had Harley and Ivy SO in character. I loved how you really showed how crazy Ivy was to save Harley. I love seeing that in Ivy, it's so sweet. And also, the last thing in the sixth chapter-about the funhouse mirrors and what not. That is so PERFECT for Harley. Bravo to you, this is the best I can put into words how good this is. Seriously.
Sapphire720 chapter 6 . 2/15/2010
hey hey hey you need to finish this. is it the reviews? cuz i'll review each chapter. or are you not into the awesomeness that is harley and ivy anymore? well read some slash and visit deviant art after some comic readin and cartoon watching. finish this! GOOD, not half-ass but good! I wanna favorite this because its so good so far but I dont like favoriting incomplete stories. But i'm doing it anyway. :)
XxXHarleyQuinnXxX chapter 6 . 7/25/2009
I know you're probably never, ever, gonna update this...but I wish you would...-begs for update-...anyways this is probably the best Harley and Ivy story I've congrats!
harleyQdoll chapter 6 . 12/30/2008
oh em gee!

wow, i really want to know whats next

for harley and ivy, plz continue and

update soon, this fic is really good!

kjmarie chapter 6 . 10/16/2008
I love the pairing of Harley and Ivy...It a really good story on what happen after the Return of the Joker. Hope you update soon.
ShoshanaFlower chapter 6 . 8/6/2008
This is wonderful! I liked to think that it was Ivy who rescued Harley, and here you've written it out so well. The imagery is top-notch, as is the story itself. Harley and Ivy are quite in-character (a rare treat in fanfiction), so their reactions and decisions are captivating. I'm really looking forward to more ... please do continue.
Silvara rivana chapter 6 . 8/3/2008
I love the story. I hope things get better for them. and I loved teh gay doctor guy. That was just so funny.
Grey Raven Girl chapter 6 . 1/9/2008
Wow. All I can say is fantastic work! Also, I can't wait to see how this ends! 10/10
IVIaedhros chapter 6 . 11/17/2007
Cool idea for a fic'. I look forward to seeing how this develops.
Lightice chapter 1 . 4/23/2007
Excellent story. Near-perfect characterizations, so wonderful premise that I wonder why no-one else has taught of it before, as well as terrific mood. I really hope you'll continue this, at some point. It would be a terrible waste not to have this finished.
Pyric chapter 6 . 1/25/2007
That was golden. You've really, REALLY got Harley down.

Helluva chapter, I simply MUST say.

I really and truly hope you carry on with this. I put this off as long as I could bear because I knew that once I'd finished reading it, there would be a major cliffie and a long wait for an update.

It's really, really great.
Pyric chapter 5 . 1/21/2007
So good...

I can't say anything else. Must read on!
Pyric chapter 4 . 1/21/2007
I got around to seeing the bit where Harley falls (well, the cut version anyway. Does anything else special happen to Harley in the uncut?) and it didn't change much, except that now I understand why she was hoping Batgirl would come save her.

Newho, yay! Doctor dude guy man is out of the picture, and Harley and Ivy are moving on! I really like this. I notice it's been a fair long whie since the last update; I truly hope you didn't decide to stop work on this fic.
Pyric chapter 3 . 1/20/2007
but thank Gaia for name-tags and white coats

Good line, that. REALLY addictive story. I haven't seen any of the movie(s?) you mention at the beginning of the chapters, but this is great even on its own, by my standards.
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