Reviews for Just Between Us Dying Gods
mrspencil chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
Very vivid writing. A fascinating glimpse into the mind of Jack Sparrow, highlighting the terrible price paid by his crew and turning a scene in DMC which was played for comedic effect into something much darker. Well done

Mrs P:-)
qwertyuiop678 chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
haha... I liked this, especially the title... How do you do that? Now i want to make one of those posters like "HONORAT WHY YOU SO GOOD AT WRITING FANFICS?"
SirenoftheStorm chapter 1 . 4/24/2009
Very good, and SO very Jack. Just the right mix of whimy, mythology, and despair.
Sailoramber chapter 1 . 5/21/2007
it's me again. as always excellent story. keep up the good work. (BTW any chance of you finishing that crossing the bar peice you were working on? i've been at sea for a year now and you still havn't updated. pout)

any way, as for this peice, i really liked it, and it forced me to wonder, what if Jack really was a god? Bacchus, or even Loki, he fits the profile of the trickster so well. it would be amusing if in the end, the pelegostos were right.

just a random thought.

ghilliekitten chapter 1 . 5/3/2007
Wow ... this was just ... wow! this is goin gon my favorite's list!
cornflakesnobowl chapter 1 . 1/8/2007
very well written! the fic was beautifully conveyed and really captured what one might think about b4 death so harshly. the ending was ace too. bravo!
threeheadedmonkey chapter 1 . 11/28/2006
Very well-written! Poor Jack, he definitely is in a fix...I liked how you put his thoughts into words. Great story!
Tiari Clovis chapter 1 . 9/19/2006
Good, good, good! You have such a way with words and I love how beautifully you get into charater.

I can't wait to read something original from you. You will tell me won't you? when you write it.

He heard the tramp of feet and the creaking of a bound victim swinging from a pole. The sounds brought up in front of his throne. Oh, so they’d decided to let him play the chief one more time before lunch. Give the once and future god a bit of circumscribed dominion and allow him to pass judgment on the sorry wretch’s fate. How . . . charming. I love this last paragraph. That How...charming I love that bit and then he opens his eyes and sees will and hope rises.
meowbooks chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
Chilling,breathtaking, the sort of thing that sends a shiver down your back. The sort of thing that after you have journeyed through the fleeting moments, you can sit back and sigh grateful that you are safe, and amazed at the power words possess to throw you into another's mind or day or time.

Moriah Muse chapter 1 . 8/27/2006
Oh, very well done! I loved the mythological references to other dead/dying/undead gods (Odin being my personal favourite). I also appreciated how you treated the beliefs of the Pelagostos like a real religion instead of a pointless, savage ritual-or both, perhaps. The idea of Jack having visited the village before ("and then they made me their chief") and returning to hoping for refuge ties in perfectly. Excellently written!
kaput chapter 1 . 8/26/2006
Hey! I found this on pirategasm over at LJ first, and I commented on it there. I didn't realize it was posted here, too. Nifty. _

I still love this piece. I love its introspective air and the speculation on Jack's "faith" situation. I also rather like the last line, now I look at it again. Jack's belief in the otherworld is fluid, ambiguous to the last. Lovely.

I'm going to put this on my favorites.
teacrumb chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
I always wanted someone to do something about the island of the Pelegostos. Really lovely job. Poor Jack. (lol)
music nerd chapter 1 . 8/8/2006
like it. especially the title.
ICRepresentative chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
Haha. Beautifully done! I love it!
Skystrike26 chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
HAHA. Loved this short fic. You never cease to amaze me with your fantastic ideas. Your mini story...FANTASTIC!
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