Reviews for Ghost
Marie chapter 6 . 4/8/2015
Truth, nothing but the truth. And truth sets us free. Poor Grissom had himself cocooned in the self-denial and self-imprisonment. Glad he finally could let the past go. Glad that Sara was there to help him break away from the past. What a gorgeous story. What a fine read. Thank you.
saraday chapter 6 . 11/22/2011
This was a beautiful story. :)
csiKathy chapter 6 . 1/10/2011
I have read this story several times now and released that I never reviewed it. It is hard to summarized all the emotions it raises but your story is complex and beautiful, sad and uplifting all at once. Really enjoyed it and have it on the list of stories that I come back to over and over.
NickyStokes chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Have to say, just found this story and your other ones, I'm captivated by your writing of these two wonderfully complex characters and hope to see more in the future...
caz1969 chapter 6 . 3/19/2009
All I can say is Just beautiful. Oh and Exellent

I can see me reading this again soon.
caz1969 chapter 5 . 3/19/2009
I love this story, and don't want it to end.

Halyn called, oh no what now
caz1969 chapter 2 . 3/19/2009
really like this finding out about a young Grissom.

A Jealous Sara, I would be too
caz1969 chapter 1 . 3/19/2009
Great start

Lookinf forward to reading the rest
seeyoustandingthere chapter 6 . 4/10/2008
this is really wonderful - thank you for sharing.
CSIgsrFANOH chapter 6 . 3/7/2008
Wonderful story! I really enjoyed this.
My Kate chapter 6 . 12/5/2007
read this in its entirety late one cold, snowy night...ripples of emotion surging through my heart...what a magnificent collection of feelings, insights, and vignettes...a story within a have really outdone yourself with this one...congrats...and thanks...
elfling65 chapter 6 . 9/6/2007
It's been a year since you wrote this piece. I've read it before but was shy to review. I LOVE this story. Really. Thank you.
GSRfanatic25 chapter 6 . 7/3/2007

to quote your lovely grissom

"words fail me"
MadelinBreaker chapter 6 . 4/6/2007
MSCSIFANGSR chapter 6 . 2/24/2007
this is the best csi fanfiction story I've read. The show keeps us always wanting more from the characters and I suppose that is why so many people are attracted to the forum of fanfiction. thank you for writing this story. chauncey
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