Reviews for Lapis Lazuli
melodeousnocturne9 chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Awwwwwwwwwww no stuff ?!
*u no wat im talkin about*
coppelia's heartbeat chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
this really was wonderful. characterization was spot-on and everything was very well written. you did a great job.
Lady KeyBlade chapter 1 . 10/7/2006
I re-read and realised! YOU'VE READ THE MANGA! That's where you got the chore wheel and stuff! I am full of glee!

Nice Ending!
Lady KeyBlade chapter 1 . 9/2/2006
Oh dear, he did abandon his chores to have sex!

Nice Ending!
yaoi-is-wowie21 chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Aw, adorable! - LexaeusXZexion has always been a favorite of mine, even though I like to pair off Zexy with other miscellaneous Organization members, like, nonstop. xD Heeheh. Spectacular work, as usual.

‘If Vexen discovers that I abandoned my chores to have sex, he’ll throw a fit-!’

And I can so see this happening. XD
Koluno1986 chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Oh wow, I think this fic is beautiful. _ Usually I never did like Lexaeus, not sure why but now after reading this, I think of him WAY 's really cute I quite say, great job. Hope to see more pairings for it.
emeraldwolf chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
hm...intriguing pairing. _ i give it a thumbs up. i always liked Lexaeus, even though he wasn't bishie like most of his counterparts. rock on!
Wolfiee chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Haha yes everyone knows what Lexaeus wants from Zexion. Damn his name is hard to spell, Lexaeus not Zexion's.

Anyways this was cute though I wonder why Zexion is always like a girly girl in fics. Maybe its cuz Lexaeus is so much of a MAN that they can't help it. But its cool cuz it makes for cuteness.

Wub this!