Reviews for Poolhouse Bambino
17hsy3g2i1 chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
I will always remember the coyote from this story. And I will continue to pretend I know what it's symbolic meaning is.
Nefarious Seraph 13 chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Oh God...this just makes my heart ache... It's beautiful and real and heartbreaking...
numb-butt chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
So, that was amazing. I especially loved the way you wrote Sora, it seemed so real and like something he would do and think and just everything. Just nevermind, everything in this was perfect.

And I feel like the coyote is supposed to be something symbolic, but my head is so clouded I can't think of it.
JusTeasing chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I must say right away that this story never ceases to amaze me... and that as i read it, i find myself laughing and smiling, and remembering when i first read it once upon a time under the SN of animeluvr999 (Yes, a truly pathetic name for myself, but w/e), and now im back, having a craving to read it again, and so i did.

And so, here i am, reading it and now reviewing it, wondering how the hell a singular person can be so damn spectacular. You really are a wonder among people... Really and truly.

But now, i am confused... I have this feeling in the back of my head thats making me think i recognize ur SN from somewhere... and it's driving me crazy, because i'm sure i do. Now, if i've forgotten you from somewhere else, i do apologize, my memory is god-awful and should really be checked (lol), but honestly... ive scanned reviews on my own stories, searched in my yahoo and came up fruitless... it's driving me crazy, knowing you like this and yet not being able to place it.

DO i know you...? Or is my subconscious just recalling you from when i first read this as animeluvr999...? hmm...

*looks back at ur profile*

no, i remember reading ur profile too, and- wait. I've read other stories of your's before too...

Oh bloody hell, am i just being a complete numb-skull...?

I have the dreadful feeling that i am. Hopefully i'm not really, or else im going to have to put a bucket on my head and live in solitude for the rest of my days... really, i will.

Gosh, im such a bone-head... I apologize again if we do know each-other from elsewhere and i've just lost the memories... that tends to happen to me. *laughs* sorry.

but anyways! (lol, tangent much?)

I really do adore this story and - as memory serves - i adored your other writings as well. They were all spectacular and i loved them very much. Also, I'm hoping your doing well with your original writings as well as your fanfictional ones. I'm sure they're both amazing.

but! I'm off now... It was great re-reading your work and now i have a feeling i'll be re-reading even more, lol XD

ttyl perhaps(?)

ColorMeChromatic chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
A random coyote & a Metro ride that was Wow, I can't describe it, but in a good way! I liked it alot. .
dead flowers at AO3 chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Saw your fic Suburbia recommended by another author whose story I liked, so I opened that up in a tab. Then hours later I went to read it and decided to check your author page to see the summary for it, and saw that you'd written a Cloud/Sora fic, then noticed it was multiple ones.

SO I read this one, and loved it. I've shipped them since the first time they made eye contact in Kingdom Hearts. I rarely read fic outside of recommendations so I haven't really seen any Cloud/Sora until now, so this made me happy.

And the fact that the fic was good and humorous just really made my day.
DogWizard chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
*happy squee*

*goes to reccomend to a friend*
gigi chapter 1 . 1/11/2009
reminds me of "On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning" but better.
SunSetSoItSeems chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
yeah... I've been, like, half-stalking this story for a while now, so i figured that I should at least leave a review. man, i want a sequel, but at the same time it kind of ends in a way that you can't write one...

well, i love this story. it has this... bittersweet feel to it. i'm not sure if its happy or sad, but i love it.



Keep it up!
Chibi McFu chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
Wow...that was awesome :)

Poor coyote :(
animeluvr999 chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
wow... this story was surprisingly good.

i actually searched Cloud and Sora pairing to make fun of some crap oneshots that had no plot and sex-scenes that lasted the length of three lines but this...

...this was NOT what i expected at ALL.

Hell, this may have even converted me to the SoraxCloud fan-girl-club-domain-thingy-whatever... lol

but still, awesome story. i really loved how it was written.

ur style just drew me in and made me want to keep reading all the way through until the very end... the perfectly constructed end, i might add.

especially with that scene of them in the train...

my god... i wish /i/ could write like that. it was stunning.

so... just wanted to say that ur story is amazing and i really enjoyed it even though it's a pairing i'm mostly not very fond of...

excellent work.

oh, and btw, that line about Aerith;

"She was a sweet, long-legged thing with a head largely full of flower petals"

i read the words 'flower petals' and got yelled at for bursting out laughing. That parts so true it's almost frightening.

GREAT work.

001ocfan chapter 1 . 4/2/2008
i must say that you wrote this story...amazingly well!

its..awesome i love it! slightly depressing coz cloud sora didnt get together but...i like the way you wrote this and the characters wernt even oc!

i know im repeating myself but this story is amazing!

and your an amazing writer. i really this you did well with this!

Feather Ice chapter 1 . 3/18/2008
Strangely sad... but not exactly? It's more lonely than sad, I suppose. And true. Very bluntly true. Which is somewhat depressing.

But I loved it! I'm weird like that, no? Thank you very much for writing an honest, lonely fic that was so good I just couldn't stop reading it.

I do have one question, though... How did a coyote get on a metro?
Kaerith chapter 1 . 12/15/2007
Awesomely written. I love the connection between the characters, I love their thoughts, and I especially love the way the end circles back to reflect the beginning. And the ideas of those few paragraphs musing on impressions on first meetings. And the repetitive imagery that links their thoughts. As satisfying as an ending when the boys hook up again would be, I wouldn't change a thing. Sometimes I want stories to be like life with regrets and disappointments. Adding this story to my faves right now!
XxTypoMasterxX chapter 1 . 12/5/2007
that was fantastic, i liked it a lot! Good job!
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