Reviews for Modern Way Samurai
Dark Night Fairy chapter 6 . 9/26/2009
I want to know how Akira and Tokito got together...
Day Light Fairy chapter 5 . 9/26/2009
Dark Night Fairy chapter 4 . 9/26/2009
Akira x Tokito forever!
Day Light Fairy chapter 3 . 9/26/2009

Gotta win!
Dark Night Fairy chapter 2 . 9/26/2009

Tokito is wonderful...

I love her...
Day Light Fairy chapter 1 . 9/26/2009



JasminDragon92 chapter 6 . 12/3/2008
i LOVE this story
monique chapter 6 . 6/13/2007
its good just watch the spelling mistakes it makes it hard to understand.
Amenatsu Setsuna Amane chapter 5 . 3/13/2007
atill wonder when will be the next update...
YuyaSama chapter 5 . 2/19/2007
I like your storyline but there are still a lot of mistakes in it. It would be easier to read without them. But still, keep on writing cuz I really wanna know how the story goes on. And how about some more KyoYuya?
minakurata-chan chapter 5 . 12/23/2006
awewsome story no wait bestest in history you know what this story is so good i can't explain lolz! Plz continue is thr gonna be more of kyo and yuya soon just wondering lolz!

mitzu but please call me mina
Flaylda chapter 5 . 12/23/2006
awesome chappie! i have read this before, since you PM-ed me on WF... and speaking about PMs, I'M REALLY SORRY THAT I COULDN'T HELP! *embrace u tightly* i was having a hellish week of final tests, and u said dear jun has re-checked it... so... i feel so sorry... i'm useless T-T i should know better... you had spent ur time by sending me those messages... but... i couldn't help! T-T once again i give u my biggest apologies, premanpasar-sama! *kneel on your feet*

umh, enough for telenovela-like scenes tehe ; post da next chap as soon as possible! i'm really gettin' curious about everything! what they would do in mount fuji, the peeking-bathroom-thingies :P (especially o! yeah now i'm a living pervert!) i'm always here to help, I PROMISE! i won't be useless anymore! .

anyway, i luv the way you 'improve' the small hot babblings into bigger ones. from akira's group to shinrei's...

very creative, you are. aw, akira-kun and toki-chan are so sweet together!

do update quickly!
rainingblood666 chapter 4 . 11/15/2006
omg that is so funny! I really love the ideea also. You probably should add about sakuya and yuya being sisters!
SunshinetheDinosaur chapter 4 . 11/1/2006
To tell you whether the story is good or not I have to read more. The only part I didn't like about the story so far is that you made alot of grammatical errors. I want to keep reading your story, but I don't know if I can with all of those errors. Other than that the story was okay.
Flaylda chapter 4 . 11/1/2006
HOTARU! luvly, luvly boy of mine ! luv that '“I can make people laugh. Shinrei cannot. I win, I win.”' part, really make me bark my laughter out. akira with toki-chan? very cute indeed! good luck and update quickly.
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