Reviews for YuGiOh! GX: Heroes
D.J. Scales chapter 75 . 9/21/2018
The graduation match was so epic.
DeathBloodBass chapter 64 . 1/10/2015
For a guy who easily defeated duel academy's security. I kinda expended Pierre to easily brush off Jordan.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/28/2012
Is a great story but I want Jesse in please make a lot more chapters please
Azulish chapter 2 . 6/23/2010
... What happened to the Hysteric Fairy? I don't remember you saying it died... The duel proctor should have lost at the Amazon Archer too... Shouldn't it? Because you said the effect was -500 points for each monster and they all have to attack... That means the proctor lost... o.o Just pointing it out as I'm reading through
Brandon Skyblade chapter 76 . 8/31/2009
Well, I may be pretty late to the party when it comes to a review of this, but hey, why not?

*whistles* Man, did all those chapters go by quickly or what? I mean, I just saw this story floating around here a couple weeks ago and dove right in, and I got hooked quickly. And now that all 76 chapters are done being read...whew, that was a lot of work you put into that.

Especially with how you worked all those OC's into the plot, that must have been creative.

So, Year One is finished and I can't wait for the next seasons!

And with that...*gets a FF victory song playing*

Great story and see ya next time!
CrashCobalt92 chapter 34 . 3/15/2009
I have words for this that I think I won't use...Screw it, I'll say it. Just what the hell was the producer thinking? This is funnier than the original version, which always make me go, "What the hell is going on here? This is straight-up freaking me out!"
CrashCobalt92 chapter 70 . 2/1/2009
Dude, everytime I read this chapter, I'm thinking "Ladies & gentlemen, Chazz Princeton's brain (if there even was one to begin with) has finally left the building!".
WolfSummoner93 chapter 4 . 1/18/2009
RUN IT'S MJ! lol, sorry, couldn't resist xD great chapter, even if I knew how the fight would go
WolfSummoner93 chapter 2 . 1/18/2009
woohoo! darkenss eh? sweet! I like Chrissy's personality
CrashCobalt92 chapter 25 . 1/14/2009
You have som nice ideas, man. Can you make one of season 2?
D-Rider chapter 2 . 5/31/2008
...Amazoness Fighter has 1500 ATK points, so you know. Other than that, the story is fine so far, I guess.
Silvermane Dusk Wisp chapter 63 . 10/1/2007
I started reading this not to long ago but I have loved it so far, even though for the show moments I know what's going to happen. Your OCs make me want to know what's going to happen next. I had to right this review now instead of after I finished reading for two reasons. 1.) Even though you had told Vahn's full name way before this chapter, I just now relaized that he's named after a charecter from an old Playstation game called Legend of Legaia. Look it up on Wikipedia. I doubt this was intentional though. 2.) The scene between Kairi and Khamille was awesome. It looks like they may become a full couple. Keep up the good work and I will read your other stories too.


P.S.-Siho rules!
iiBlackMoon chapter 18 . 9/26/2007
I'm not sure if you still look at the reviews, and I like to make predictions about characters, but Christina sounds like the daughter of Joey.
Wolf chapter 76 . 8/26/2007

jolly good show sir!lol

loved how Siho is scared of goats...i kinda thought he'd be fond of the u know...*smirks at inside joke*


can't wait for the next
Hotshot45 chapter 76 . 8/3/2007
Something tells me that the next arc is going to take place during the break between school years. I can't wait for the story to continue in the next fic.
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