Reviews for Fragments of Rose Colored Glass
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
I love this so so much thank you for writing this
I'mNoLongerActive'Sorry chapter 1 . 10/11/2015
I really felt this story, it's very candid and well written!
NemoChan320 chapter 1 . 11/12/2014
Oh wow...this was indeed incredibly depressing...but it was so beautifully written! I love how you slowly revealed what was happening. It left me in constant wonder of what was actually going on, which I guess correlates to the confusion/delusion Tamaki is currently in, at least that's how I picture it. But seriously, beautiful writing style and beautifully sad story. Gosh, my heart aches for Kyouya right about now...Tamaki at least has his beautiful delusion to keep him happy, however sad it may be, while leaving Kyouya stuck dealing with the reality of the situation...It really is incredibly sad...
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
For me, I see it slightly differently. I don't ship Kyoya and Tamaki. I think Tamaki is very in love with Haruhi, and I can't really picture Kyoya as being in love with anyone. I think the best term for their relationship is heterosexual life partners. They'll be life long friends, and love each other, but not be in love with each other. That's how I always picture it, so I suppose, in a way, Kyoya does belong to Tamaki.
Pale-Face chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
I think this is one of my favourite pieces of writing ever. I don't know if it was the writing style, or the way you divulged the mystery, or the sensitivity of kyoya's character, but this is a wonderful piece of writing. You set such a delicate subject with such a lovely tone and you captured Tamaki's personality perfectly. His reaction is so perfect and so.. tamaki. I'm rambling, but I really do adore this piece of writing, it's stuck really strong with me since I read it. Keep up the good work!
Ashlyn Braere chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
Oh. Wow. This story had me bawling my eyes out. The story is wonderful. I love how you show the love between the three main characters (yes, three; Haruhi's included). This is such a touching, emotional, story that I don't think I'll ever be able to drop it from my head, and it managed to tear my heart out. I want to say please keep writing to this caliber, but I don't think my heart could take any more as sad as this one. But I have to say 'Bravo'.
KathrenCullen18 chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
That was soooo sad, but so... beautiful at the same time.
charlottetheharlot11 chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
I cried. This was absolutely beautiful. Thank you
SemperSomnium chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
This was tragically beautiful. Seriously, I'm in tears but smiling, because it was lovely. :)
choconya chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
i'm in tears...

thank you for writing
KuroAngelique chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Oh wow.

This is really really good.

Great job, authoress.
Chetzahime chapter 1 . 1/22/2010
It was weird, sad and good, very good inded.
it's simply me chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
I don't even know whether you remember this fic, but I found it rather sad. It really is very well-written. So awesome job with it. I love the connection between the characters.
Shinyfox chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
Wow *nods* I really liked this. It was a change from all the light hearted type Kyouya/Tamaki fic's I've read. It was... an interesting and sad change. I wanted to cry when I read this... You made it so real... like I could imagine this really happening and it was... As soon as Kyouya saw Tamaki that day I could see exactly where it was going and I was so afraid that it would make me cry and it brought tears to my eyes (I'm sorry to say I didn't cry, I'm so sleep deprived now that getting me to cry is extreamly hard) But wow... This was a very powerful and moving fic.
Muzixfox chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
This is a very beautiful story that made me cry! I am not really someone who reads slash, but this story touched me and made me rethink how I view these characters. Very IC, and I like that have a story that truly shows that no single incident is isolated.

My only issue is that while we saw how Haruhi's death effects the twins and Kyouya, I wonder how Mori and Hunny are effected. But than again, I'm not sure how you would have fit it in. In any rate, great story.
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