Reviews for Funeral Pyres
Anjelicious chapter 13 . 2/3/2018
That wad awesome. It's great that we finally a patch up between the boy s

Write on
ZBUXMNTWP chapter 13 . 10/13/2015
Alright, this is flat-out amazing! XD
ZBUXMNTWP chapter 7 . 10/13/2015
oops, accidentally reviewed the wrong story. Really good, though. Curious what will happen next.
ZBUXMNTWP chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
Best SPN fic I've found so far! XD New to the fandom, but who cares? 3 my Sammy.
Frakking Toasters chapter 13 . 3/4/2014
This is amazing. I love reading about Sam's psychic abilities. xo
koalablanc chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
This is just amazing!
wInChEsTeR bRoS iNc chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
Great story! I really liked it, though it's a bit too fast-paced for my taste.
psquare chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
This looks and sound really promising, but the run-on sentences are a real turn-off. I'd suggest you tidy up the punctuation a bit, so it'll all make better sense - and better reading.

Otherwise, this is really interesting, and a unique spin-off of the episode. Looking forward to reading the rest.
sgs09 chapter 13 . 1/23/2010
That was pretty fantastic. :) I read it in one sitting, no stopping, and loved every minute.

I just watched Asylum last night, going on a marathon with my college roomie. After watching, I was all upset with the ending, as always, and searched for fics to follow the episode up. Today I found yours. :)

Most people only write about Dean's medical issues with the rocksalt issue, but I was so so so glad to find a fic writing more than that. I wondered about the ghosts left at the asylum too. It wasn't really over for them, because they weren't really connected to Dr. Ellicott except for their experiences with him. But really, the episode could have had a sequel I think, make it a two-parter, because there were so many things left unfinished. The Dean and Sam issues, dealing with their trust. The fact that Dean had a huge problem with his chest. The ghosts still in the asylum. Etc. Etc. I think your fic cleared up a lot of that for me. ;) Thanks!

Sam and Dean were pretty epic in this fic. It was fun to see all of Sam's issues with the ghosts at the asylum creeping into his brain. That was pretty cool. And Dean was all big-brother mode with his epic-ocity. I had a lot of fun reading this. :)

hogwartshobbiton chapter 13 . 12/31/2009
aww sammy! and both of them! aw! thankyou! xx
LJR chapter 13 . 1/24/2009
As always, excellent. Thanks for writing such great stories. I loved reading this.
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 13 . 1/21/2009

i gotta say this is my FAVE of all asylum fics hun!

this is just awesome!

its amazing, the detail, what happened and Sam's powers...his abilities!

aww drawing him into trouble when he only wanted to help

genious hun!

i loved how you wrote this an how Dean came back for him


it was awesome!


amazing work x
Von chapter 13 . 8/18/2008
Wow, fantastic stuff! How did I not trip over this before?

Love it to bits. Will you be writing anything based after it? With Sam's mind all 'ripped open'?

(Wanders off to check)
Izzy4 too lazy to sign in chapter 13 . 5/26/2008
I came across this one after reading and enjoying one of your other more recent stories and I must say I am not disappointed. The plot is well thought out and you have a really good grasp of the brothers' voices and interaction. It also fits into the episode and doesn't mess around much with the canon which I like. Very well written and very well done. I'll definitely be reading your other Supernatural stuff now.
Take Mercy chapter 13 . 1/22/2008
What a great story!

I must say, when I saw this original episode, it nearly scared the crap out of me (but, I guess, which episode doesn't?). You kept that same wonderfully written tension throughout! Not only this, but you've captured the boys personalities brilliantly - I loved reading how you wrote Dean, and how he dealed with this whole situation.

Again, just saying you've done a great job. I look forward to reading more of your writings!
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