Reviews for Full Circle
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Very good. excellent
Starlight Socrates chapter 1 . 6/15/2008

Very well written.

DaBlackRose chapter 1 . 7/25/2007
Wow, I could almost feel it with Venus. I felt the shame and the wonder. I felt the power, I could envision everything. I am REALLY impressed. You set a new bar for all SM fanfic writers. I wonder if I can ever attain your level of story ideas and description.

The only thing missing from this tale, is a bit more description of Jupiter. We get both Mars and Mercury. Both were amazing, but I would love more detail on the forgotten sailor of the story. If you ever happen to consider rewriting this story, you should add it in. :)
Immortal.Sailor.Cosmos chapter 1 . 7/15/2007

Ry chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
I loved this one when you first put it on lj.

Minako is probably one of my favorites and I've always seen her as more of an empath than anything else.

I think this is honestly one of my favorites of yours.

ps. I like the title you gave it.
Mew Megumi chapter 1 . 9/30/2006
Good story. You really explained Sailor venus' emotions and feelings for the whole story. Great job, I really liked it!
Thorn on a Rose chapter 1 . 9/30/2006
Simply Amazing! This story is a magnificant work of literary art! Reading this has made my day and you have inspired me to continue with my own writing in hopes that I too can invoke emotions in my readers as you have in me.

Again, I am awed by this and I Thank You for writing and posting this for others to enjoy-

Thank You and I hope you write more some day-

Thorn on a Rose (aka ToaR)
Daray Aeryn chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
I don't know what to say, on this site you're just sifting through perverted fanasties and bad grammar and then something comes along that's just stunning. True talent is very rare. I love the story, I love your take on Mina, I don't know if you read X-men but it kind of reminds me of the Jean Grey/Phoenix relationship, her struggle with her powers and what it means to be empathic. Oh well, I going to read all your other stories now, later!
Bin82501 chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
I will say this once more. I'm a HUGE fan of your work. I've always felt that Venus being the senshi of love was such a vague description of the senshi. It's almost a joke. I always thought it was meant in the whole Aphrodite ideas of love; romance, lust and passion but here you give intensity to the word. Love equates with empathy. I love this to death. I get such a high from such imaginative, deep and though provoking stories like yours. Keep writing.
Richforce chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
Great job
6481 chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
Very nice fic, i enjoyed it. It's been a while since I didn't find something like this to read, generally it's the same stories over and over again but this one is original. I liked the writing too.