Reviews for Never Ever
de yaten chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Oh my this was... very very interesting and well written. It was a nice thought provoking piece and I must say I love your interaction between Demyx and Axel. Great job!
Ocean's Nocturne of the COCA chapter 1 . 12/26/2007
Axel's so confusing. *sigh* I don't really get what they're saying- They're really elaborate about it. I like the masks, though.

A Spot of Bother chapter 1 . 3/16/2007
Wow. Just wow.
emiphiste chapter 1 . 1/22/2007
I really, really liked this fic.

I remember when I lived with a fellow actor during a production of King Richard I (he was King Richard), and he spent a good portion of his days experimenting with the character by slipping into character whenever possible. After a while, he'd taken on the character so often that he'd started to snap a Richard-like response to every inquiry/statement without thinking about it. So, what's going on here (getting too used to the act) isn't only possible; it's probable.

Thank you for posting this.
Kitroku chapter 1 . 10/1/2006
Awesome fic, very interesting and well written. The only thing I found wrong was, “Aww, Axel, do you even had to ask?”, I think it's supossed to be have instead of had. Well I'm off to read the rest of your fics now.
Indigo Rosebud chapter 1 . 10/1/2006
I had pretty much given up on finding good fanfic on this site. Thank you for proving me wrong. That was just beautiful, and I look forwards to your subsequent works.