Reviews for Icha Icha College Life
phz chapter 12 . 12/29/2007
wow... this chapter was a little confusing... but it sure clear up something hahah..

it does involve a lot of Zexion and Demyx xD how old are them anyway~ xD im getting confuse with their age too! *shot*

alright I will be looking forward to the next chapter see you next time .
Xiana Asuka chapter 12 . 12/28/2007
Aha! You just submitted this chapter so I'm actually not late on reviewing this time!

. . .Despite the fact that I didn't /actually/ review the last chapter because I'm a jerk. Blah. Sorry.

But the point is, I'm here now, and you updated! Yay! *Dances like the cool person she is*

I like baby Demmie-kun! And he saved Zexi-ko? Aww how romantic... ish?

All the past-ish part with those two (and Xaldin, because I care so much about him, right?) was cute and well-written, and it really helped explain some of things that have happened recently.

Plus as filler chapters go, it was good and seemed like it actually got some important information out. Nice.

I'm sorry you don't get much computer time these days, and I hope you had good holidays and stuff. As soon as you are able to, please update again, and I will be sure to review again. For sure this time! Yeah!


phz chapter 11 . 7/19/2007
who's review made your cried? he/she must be great or somthing else xD

oh my... so many things happened in this chapter... first with the ring, Demyx's secret! O_o and zexy's hurt! and what happened to Roxas? omigoshh... cliffy! *dies of cliff hanger*

who's the culprit! damn.. you got me excited for the next chapter :D congratz!

wow... does the eye-patch thing works? maybe i should try it too xDD hahaha but i thought that Xig's right eye is blind or something.. but nvm bout that now

Saix is evill~ used his picky finger instead of the other one D... hahaa..

okay, you must be sick of me now... reviewing every time and pointless rant 8D i will see you again next time if you want me around~
Taste the GoM chapter 11 . 7/18/2007
Holy crap its been so long but i'm happy to see an update! I can't wait to find out what happens next and to see what's finally up with Demyx lol!
Shadowroxas chapter 10 . 6/13/2007
I loved Valentines Play so i just had to read this one! good job i cant wait for an update
Xiana Asuka chapter 10 . 4/29/2007
XD Yeah! (sorry for the late review, as usual. Punctuality doesn't seem to be a strong point of ours, does it?)

Anyway, wonderful chapter as usual. Even if you don't have the chance to update that often, I always look forward to new chapters. In this chapter I liked...

The Mana Lisa (Yah, I know who Mana is too! I guess you love me then)

Tidus getting tied to the faucet and left for dead. (presumably, anyway)

Demyx and Xaldin. (... no real explanation for this, it just made me happy)

Roxas paying the cab driver (:D) and Axely coming back "...Because I love you." XD It made me smile.

I hope you will be able to post another chapter soon!

phz chapter 9 . 4/21/2007
this chapter is pure readable fun! xD

i feel bad for Tidus but he insulted Axel.. soo he deserved it xD haha and Demyx finally smile!

i love the field trip, is Axel going to give the ring to Roxas? or did he give it to him already ? i got short term memory lost xP

anyway, no matter how long you dun have compy or internet i will wait for you! so i will see you again next time!
Taste the GoM chapter 9 . 4/21/2007
Yea! I can't wait for next chappie and I wish you good luck with your moving issues...and I can't wait to find out with what happens to Demyx!
Xiana Asuka chapter 9 . 4/2/2007
That's all right. I will be missing the updates, but I completely understand if you're going on a temporary hiatus. You have good reasons for everything, so it'll be all right. I hope that your situation gets worked out soon, 'cuz it seems like a lot of bad stuff has been happening to you recently.

Also, don't worry about not having a storyline. If you haven't noticed, the only story I have with an actual, defined plot is Reflection. All the other ones are "Let's see how we can get Axel and Roxas together!" I always just make things up on the spot, and there is by no means any conceivable plot until I figure out some way to link all the random, crack-y events that occur.

Xiana Asuka chapter 8 . 3/1/2007
Emo Demyx! Why, Demyx, why? You're not supposed to be an emo kid! Cheer up soon!

...Sorry for a late review, I haven't been able to get on for a while. You know how life is sometimes... -

phz chapter 8 . 2/28/2007
Setzer reminds me of other fic.. which was a SetRox fic... but that's not important xD. No need to thank me for the review, it's my job ;D

Kinda feel sad for Saix though.. having making dinner for Xemnas and yet he didnt eat them but waste them.. ;_; poor him.. and his money..

*bricked* i cant endure more of Demyx being sad... *pulls hairs* but i will have to for now... i cant wait to see the reason why he's like that ._.

mmkay, that's all for now and i will see you again later
Xiana Asuka chapter 7 . 1/10/2007
Dum Dum Dum! *Ominous music plays in the background* I'm going to try a new style of reviewing! Where I go along and comment on stuff as I read! So maybe it will be a very long review...

Dum Dum Dum! *Ominous music plays again* Foreshadowing! Roxy's going to learn a shocking secret!

Aw, Marly. Zexi sounds cuter than Zexy, too.

"Surely Axel was the only one who was interested in Roxas that way." But Roku-chan is so cute! How can he not be loved?

"You so got owned by an old lady!" Oh, Xiggy, I think the proper phrase here is "pwned." One level above owned.

Billie is creepy...

XD the old lady... Ahahahaha. I like what you did with that suggestion! _

The new ring is pretty too.

phz chapter 7 . 1/9/2007
i wish you a happy belated christmas and new year too im sorry that i werent able to help you with suggestion which i suck badly at it ;;...

of all the plan, i like that last one better xDD the lady finally able to die just like she wanted and her wallet was taken xDD that was hilarious !

im happy that you have solve your problem with the hiatus thing not like mine xD

alrighty! i will see you again next time hope to more of your fabulous work
Xiana Asuka chapter 6 . 12/13/2006
All right! Another chapter! Yay.

For party peoples: How about a whiny brat girl with no friends who forces them all to be her 'friends?' Or a boy... it doesn't matter.

Or! A wedding sort of thing? With a crazy stressed out lady/bride/whatever who yells at them all. And psychopathic relatives. yeah.

Or! A creepy old lady celebrating her death. Or the anniversary of her husband's death. Sort of creepy. And weird. But it's what I thought of.

Uh... If I have any more suggestions, I'll let you know.
phz chapter 6 . 12/13/2006
bad puppy for biting your finger but it's cute! -luvs puppy-

i though i would never get to finish reading this chapter xD but alas im done! 8DD oh.. what do you mean profile? -is stupid-

anyhow i will see you the next time you update
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