Reviews for Veteran's Day
coffee14 chapter 1 . 1/31/2013
Great one-shot. You portrayed them perfectly with their personalities. I'm glad you used Lewis and Winter's real wives names too!
ber1719 chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
Ooh. Very interesting and Nixon, Winters, and Sobel were all completely in character. I loved it and even felt a little bit sorry for Sobel myself.
HannahVintage chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
That was so cute.I laughed at first because it was Sobel but u kind of ruined it when you said he tried to kill himself..SHUN YOU!for not letting me have my i loved the ending.)
JumpGirl42 chapter 1 . 10/16/2006
Wonderful! Absolutely fantastic sounds just like something Sobel might have done and Wintesr as well. Lovely piece of writing!

Happy writing!
Nobodyknowsmenow chapter 1 . 10/16/2006
Excellent! So very sad, but well and compassionately written.
C.M Cruz chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
Yet another great short story! You know I would never have thought about Sobel (that kind of shows my dislike for the man.) But he was a smart guy to over work them, then Easy wouldn't have been the best there is, if it weren't for him. And I could see Winters doing that, it's only right.

This was really good! I hope your muse visits you more often so you can create more wonderfully emotional triggered stories. (that sounded strange. lol.) You must have the DVD's don't you? If you do, then you're so lucky.

Sadly I don't have them, thus I'm stuck on my story. -Sigh-

Well take care!