Reviews for Misdirected
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 1/5/2019
Very hard to do his thought processes, much less so long a dialogue...impressive. Thank you.
Arawynn chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Oh this was so good! It was exactly like Hiko. He is such a conceited man yet..he has a soft side to him too. And the way he says 'yare yare' Hiko fangirl here! 3
Hidari chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
I like this. I don't know how I missed this all these years. :-D
SiriusFan13 chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
*blink blink*

This was absolutely incredible! Probably one of my favorite Hiko fics I've read (and Hiko is one of my favorite characters, so that's saying something:P)

Anyway... useful review... (AKA not just drooling over your Hiko!)

You have his voice down pat. I can completely imagine him thinking every one of these words. His irritation, his motions, his voice are all exactly what I could imagine from a scene in the anime. I can even HEAR the voice actor when reading this.

But what I love the most is the fact that this isn't a scene that I've read before. We all obsess over the ougi. Or over Kenshin's return. Or over the conversation in the hut either between Kenshin and Hiko or else between kenshin-gumi and Hiko. But the walk to the Aoi-ya... Brilliant:)

I will officially stop gushing now. No criticisms. This is definitely getting faved. And I'm flattered that something like this was dedicated to me. I'm glad I got you into Ruroken without even knowing it! *grin*

Dewa mata.

stingrae90 chapter 1 . 8/22/2008
I really love your characterization of Hiko, here. It just seems to fit him so well. And I always wondered just how Hiko managed to get to the Aoi-ya considering he never got directions. (And conveniently forgetting that he didn't ask for any...well, that just made me snort because it is such a Hiko attitude.) I never really thought of him following Fuji there, but it makes sense. He is kind of hard to miss!

I loved the part with Hiko and the policemen. I could picture the scene in my head.

I also wanted to thank you for the awesome story. I've been attempting my own first Rurouni Kenshin story, and somehow I managed to get Hiko's attitude and Saitou's mixed in with each other. (It's actually kind of scary. The combined arrogance/confidence and snark of Hiko and Saitou? Oh, boy...) Your story has helped me get back on track with my own take on Hiko's personality.

Great story.
WolfDaughter chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
Wow! I'm singularly impressed with this work! It's an incredibly detailed and insightful look into what must have been going on in Hiko's mind during this time.
Randa-Chan chapter 1 . 6/19/2007
Wow! That was really well written and probably the best insight into Hiko's character that I've read. I'm so glad Sirisfan 13 got you into RK because you're such a great author. I thoroughly enjoyed this short tale and I'm going to have to go and check out your other stuff. Looking forward to more RK fics from you in future!

Love Randa*

P.S. A retribution sequel would be amusing to see. I wonder how Hiko would pay Kenshin back for his lack of directions?
Feafea chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
beautiful! absoutely... a nice job done!
denise chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
wow. This is great. You had everything,especially the tone, down pat.

Gemini14 chapter 1 . 11/15/2006
Awesome story you have here! I thoroughly enjoyed it! There aren't too many people who remember that Hiko himself had been injured going into the fight against Fuji. Great job!
moeru himura chapter 1 . 11/14/2006
I absolutely love this! So perfect! The drama and the comedy, so good!

For the first part, you've done a perfect job in potraying a part of Hiko and Kenshin's personalities in the periods their lives were intertwined. You have a very good grasp of the characters, it's giving me a chill! The Hiko POV at this particular time was another perfect choice for this kind of introspection.

The second part was as great (and so funny too). How creative of you to think of those situations that made him almost 'late'. Hiko's frustration on time was also well said.

"And somehow, knowing you, you’ll do it by proving me wrong and keeping to that naïve vow of yours." What a beautiful ending! Definitely one of the best fics here. Great job!:P
skenshingumi chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
I thought you did a great job for your first Kenshin story. Actually, I liked it a lot and would recommend it so even if this was your tenth RuroKen fiction it passes muster. You got Hiko's voice down well. I love that combination of arrogance and tender heartedness that he doesn't want to acknowledge even to himself. Arrogance, pride, humor, spirit and a hidden care for people: I think you captured all that in your portrayal of Hiko.
Kristy-chan chapter 1 . 11/10/2006
Hey nice job! this was an amazingly great oneshot of Hiko! I havent read any fics about Hiko's promise to Kenshin. You did a great job!
diamondsforever chapter 1 . 11/9/2006
Loved this. Very nice. Well written with lots of details.

Good job.

MikaylaMae chapter 1 . 11/9/2006
This was very nicely done and I really enjoying reading it. I love Hiko's character and you stayed true to his character quite well. Great job!
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