Reviews for PEGASUS Book 06: Locating their allies
Hat O' Doom chapter 9 . 7/28/2011
This was an enjoyable read.
JoeDog chapter 9 . 7/1/2010
Good work kiwi...

Book 6 of 10 completed. Looks like I will spend my July 4th weekend reading about stuff blowing up. A lot cheaper than doing it myself. Love the stories.


3..2...1... JUMP!
cklammer chapter 9 . 6/23/2009
So PEGASUS and GOLIATH link up one a more regular basis - so far so good. Supplies and intelligence are exchanged but what should not be exchanged are people - why? The reason is simple: PEGASUS is potentially exposed to Cylon attack all the time whereas Carillon is not as of now and the GOLIATH/Peregrine One only sporadically when venturing out of the Nova Modagon. The quarter million survivors at Carillon must be protected at all costs to the point of issuing suicide capsules to all crew members of vessels venturing outside the Nova Modagon. This also means that the exchange of Viper squadrons is out and the transfer of crew members should only be limited to allowing crew members to vessels of the "Carillon Fleet Forces" but not off it (to the PEGASUS for example). People will talk unless prevented by absolute physical, technological or organizational restraints.

I also heartily approve of Commander Cain's obvious policy of not even accessing the emergency "red" disk with the location of Carillon unless the direst emergency - this is good security. He should - however - leave the disc in the CIC safe and not his personal safe since the CIC safe is protected by its location and a four-eyes-access procedure. Again, Carillon must be protected at all costs.

Finally, all material provided by Carillon for the PEGASUS must be screened and evaluated carefully in order to not inadvertently give Carillon's location away. For example it may be necessary to wash down all items shipped from Carillon's surface in order to avoid soil sample analysis of captured vegetable items ...

All in all, this is a good read. On to part 7.