Reviews for King
genesicgaogaigarvsgodgundam chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
great job
ObsidianPhantom chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
This was breathtaking. A masterpiece. I am speechless right now trying to grab for words to describe what you have written.

God, I love how you capitalized all the H's as if you were addressing a God in your writing. It's brilliant beyond words really. A tasteful nod to Godzilla 2014, I think.

I literally had shivers the entire time I was reading this. Shivers! It was both awe-inspiring and eerie to read. But so true. All so true.

If there was ever an author to get into Godzilla's head, it is you. Reading this made me feel a strange, scary, awareness of just how insignificant humans are in Godzilla's eyes. It was quite an odd feeling. Hehe, but I expect nothing less from reading about Him. *Smiles*

Awesome, awesome one-shot! I am now going to print this out and read it to my tech-phobic family because they love Him as well and can understand his symbolic existence. XD

Wredan chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
Epic. A fitting tribute to the king of the monsters. Long live the king!
puma1sunfire chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
Sweet one shot. I rather liked how you described The King of Monsters. Keep up the good works.
The Hand of Omega chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
This was incredible. Absolutly incredible.
Admiral Larsen chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
A very interesting one-shot you have here.

To truly earn to right to be a god, an incredible creature such as who we're talking about here must destroy others like him and also have shall we say "worshippers" to spread the legacy of what this particular kaiju is capable of.

Impressive indeed.
GodzillaGuy92 chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
Amazing! This is without question the best Godzilla oneshot I've ever read. Very... poetic style. It almost reminds me of The Lord of the Rings. You captured Godzilla extremely well, with your explanations of why he does what he does.

And you even managed to smoothly slip in a little humor (albeit, humor that none but a Godzilla fan would understand) with that part where you say:

"There was even one whose name was actually His own but even he could not live up to the true Him."

Very good GINO/Zilla homage. You should read my story, Godzilla vs. the Zillas. There's lots of stuff like that in there.
Gijinka Renamon chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
Not bad, not bad at all. Great job, as usual.
Nick Dahdah chapter 1 . 1/4/2007
Bravo! Bravo! You are a master poet!
Cyndi chapter 1 . 12/8/2006
I liked that, it was very poetic :)
Gforce member45 chapter 1 . 11/27/2006
Bravo! very well done and writen my friend.