Reviews for The 8th of November
Windsong chapter 1 . 2/8/2008
That was a pretty powerful piece. Reminded me of other Vietnam fiction I'd read (namely The Things They Carried), which was the point, I suppose. You captured a lot of raw emotion in there, and you held it the entire way felt like I was waking from a dream when I reached the end.
Link Worshiper chapter 1 . 12/21/2006
Hey! This was truly wonderful! I never ever come to this site anymore, but a friend linked this to me and I'm glad he did. Said he thought it gave a good portrayal of the kind of relationship I like to see between Heero and Duo and he was right! Nice and equal. I especially liked your portrayal of Duo - so good and redblooded and tough! I liked that image of him smoking with the aviator sunglasses and the tattoo on his shoulder. And that bloody fight scene; I could see the blood all over him! Your writing is really evocative and it was a treat to read, especially in such a barren land of NO GOOD FANFIC. Wufei was a good, objective narrator for this, too; it's always interesting seeing a third party observe another relationship Anyway, I'd be honoured if you'd let me archive it on my site. Check it here if you want - Meanwhile, I'm gonna go take a gander at anything else you might have that'll keep my brain cells from dying _
11 chapter 1 . 11/27/2006
That was very powerful. I've always wondered what it'd be like to enlist and be in a war, but after I found out a few years ago of the horrors of it, I dropped that dream. This story reiderates those fears entirely. Sure, there wouldn't be lost limbs most likely because of modern medicine, but people get ripped appart.

I'm a little unnerved that you left it where you did. There wasn't any sense of closure. But you did it well. Even if I am unnerved, I do like endings like that more than anything. You did it well. The only thing that confused me was what the blonde soldier and brunette soldier (Quatre and Trowa?) were calling Wufei, but the fact that this was in Vietnam got the meaning across pretty quick.
faulted chapter 1 . 11/22/2006

A very interesting story here-very arresting style of writing as well. You did an excellent job of portraying the mindset and turmoil of a soldier, however I think it was somewhat unclear during what time period this story took place. Is it after the war? Or is this a completely alternate universe? It couldn'tbe during the war, I think, because they didn't work in units during that time-they worked alone, as a group of five pilots-and WuFei was not enrolled in schools (as you alluded to towards the end).

Congratulations on the award for this story, it trule deserved it. _. I'm sure that more masterpieces of this caliber will make their debut under your penname soon, and until then, keep up the great work!
