Reviews for Vicissitude
Guest chapter 8 . 11/14/2017
9 years no update for this im guesss your love of writing is gone. Lots of authors i have seen on this site many if writers say the same thing as you say. "I havent given up on my stories, please belevive in me and ill will continue to update." and just like like all others, no update for years. Life seems to be the big issue for no updates but it won hurt for you writters just to take five simple mins just to write a small update status.
Blue Curacao chapter 8 . 11/13/2013
Oh man, it's been nearly five years since you've updated this! :(

Instead of this being a "please write" review, it's more of I really like your fluff-drama and it's so rare to find a good one without any characters being annoyingly villainized or horrendously emo. I'm looking forward to future updates- if you still intend on writing any more at all!
Dustin chapter 8 . 8/25/2011
Awesome story, just sayin,
Hcoflip22 chapter 7 . 6/23/2010

Please please please continue it!
Toni chapter 8 . 4/6/2010
Please, Please start writing this again. The story is magnificent and funny and super cute. Even if you don't start writing this again, you are awsome with a pen, good luck.
Midnight Crisis chapter 7 . 6/11/2009
Lord, the ending was so angsty! D:

But, I really liked it. :3 And I've read the author's note aka "Chapter 8", but I'm going comment here otherwise I won't be able to review on the 8th chapter. So.

It's normal that you are busy with life and such. But I am most definitely glad that you won't stop this fic, because it truly is epic and I would love to read and review more of it.


Midnight Crisis chapter 6 . 6/9/2009
My opinion on the kiss: What. The. Hell?

How can you describe a kiss THAT good? I mean, I felt like I was watching a movie and I could picture Riku and Sora kissing just the way you wrote it~!

And it also kind of reminded my real first kiss XD. Because it was also in the rain.

Okay. That was awkward, telling you that XD. But anyways. I really liked this chapter, especially because Sora finally (maybe?) starts to see Riku in a whole different light?
Midnight Crisis chapter 5 . 6/9/2009
I beg to differ!

This chapter did NOT suck, as I enjoyed every second of my time reading this. Honestly, this story's worth giving up a whole day from my life. :D

(when in fact, I should study for my exams).

& more "Aww!"s at the end x3
Midnight Crisis chapter 4 . 6/9/2009
D: D: D: D: D:

Poor Riku -sniffle-

And fantastic chapter, like always~

-continues to sniffle-
Midnight Crisis chapter 3 . 6/9/2009
D'aww, that was cute. Although I had to giggle a lot like the fangirl I am -sigh-

Yes. It has been confirmed.

I love this story, and you, you are the shizzle for writing this.
Midnight Crisis chapter 2 . 6/9/2009
Ah, Riku. You're such a fruitcake and it's so funny to see you struggle through your thoughts about Sora.

Oh, and may I add that I love your Sora? You make him say epic things~ :D
Midnight Crisis chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
Good grief, woman! This is pretty fantastic!

Wait. Scratch "pretty", because it definitely IS fantastic o' great-o. Seriously.

The humor is nice. And I couldn't stop chuckling at Riku's confusing thoughts. Both boys stay amazingly well in-character.

Oh, and your writing style?

It effing ROX, fo'real.


fish author chapter 8 . 5/5/2009
I'll forver be waiting for you Dragon! 3 I absolutley love this story. I won't give up on j00!
re-harakhti chapter 7 . 2/26/2009
Please do continue this story, it's very addictive and full of win!
hibernat chapter 7 . 2/9/2009
Love love love LOVE the story, ma dear! It's frikin amazing and painfully slow. But I know that when they actually do get mutual affection part, it's all gonna be so much sweeter than in the other fics! That's what I'm absolutely certain about this fanfiction! Most definitely! It's gonna end in riches and hot, pure, undying love when the two of them finally come to their senses! And I love Kanoko! She is my hero! D Lmao. Loved her reaction when she walked in on them. I would've done the exact same thing had I been Sora's mother! Great job so far! Really hope to see the next chapter out soon!
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