Reviews for Like Mother like Daughter like Father like Son
tigerlily124 chapter 59 . 7/21/2014
I liked this. Thank you very much.
DarthAbby chapter 59 . 7/10/2013
Oh my God, I just...I don't even know. I need...I needed to see the Doctor and Rose and Jack and everyone happy again. And I got that. But they're not perfectly happy, are they? There's still old scars that didn't quite heal right, and there's still sadness in their eyes and all that. But that's what makes this so good. It''s Life, plain and simple. Except for the aliens and the time travel, but whatever. Life sometimes just feels like your long-lost son broke your nose without warning, but you have to get up and move on and that...that was shown so perfectly in this story...and I loved it. Plain and simple.

You, my friend, are a fantastic writer. I hope you don't let this talent sit idle.
YesterdaysFuturesMemories chapter 37 . 8/1/2010

Full sum up of chapter one FANTASTICCC!

awwww i loveeee this story

i feel soo sorry 4 Rose, the fact that she can't go through to the her own worldd!

I love Jack Harkness, but the again don't we all :)

I wish Ianto had made an appearance though, i love Ianto 3

Anyways am offf to go read part 2, loveee thisss Story so muchhhhh:)
Secret-Supernova-X chapter 59 . 5/11/2009
Brilliant story!

Bit gutted 10 didn't come back, i love fluffy shtuff with david tennant the most!

You should of have Janie and Owen get together or something like that, And Rose and Abby something like long lost relatives Lol, give it a bit of spice! Hehe!, But i LOVED it!

Kayleigh x
Cooper-Gwen chapter 59 . 3/4/2009
This was brillant. I loved the characterization for everyone, loved the Doctor/Rose relationship, and I'm very sorry to hear there won't be a sequel. Again, this was awesome, and it's on my favorites list!
YesterdaysFuturesMemories chapter 18 . 11/3/2008
awesome story luv it lol cnt wait to read the rest lol
Kou Shun'u chapter 59 . 9/18/2008
i wish there was more reaction from the others from his degenerating. and i wish we got to see more of the times jon possibly saw his parents while travelling.
Kou Shun'u chapter 54 . 9/18/2008
“Yeah, I know. I died saving the world once.” “What? Hasn’t everybody done that at least once?” - _

“Exactly. Only she came back. She came back and she saved us all. Destroyed the Daleks. Rescued the Doctor. Saved me. All without any thought for her own life.” - nicely said, and what a way to shock the daughter.
Kou Shun'u chapter 53 . 9/18/2008
well, sure janie is the sacrife but there is always a chanceshed regenerate.
Kou Shun'u chapter 44 . 9/18/2008
aw poor jack. i can definately see how that song would hit him especially hard.
Kou Shun'u chapter 23 . 9/17/2008
ah ha! i guessed right with jon punching the doctor on the first met.
Kou Shun'u chapter 15 . 9/17/2008
okay so it looks like its torchwood from their season 1, so that makes sence with its members.
Kou Shun'u chapter 14 . 9/17/2008
youd think some of torchwood 3 would have died or left 18yrs later, or at least there would be new members.
Kou Shun'u chapter 13 . 9/17/2008
ha i was just thinking of jack finding her first and then it just happened.

but the rest of torchwood? have they aged as well or are they still young and perky?
Kou Shun'u chapter 10 . 9/17/2008
"star in the solar system" - the sun is the only star in our solar system. the closest star after that, i beleve, is alpha centari..and i dont quite remeber how many light years away that is. maybe you should say galaxy instead?
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