Reviews for Woodword
Sylvanas chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
Viera's , Nightelf's & High Blood Nightelf's.
They All Live In Huge Monster Very Thick Tall Tree's.
If Any Body Wanted To Live Into Monster Thick Tall Tree's , Or On It. I See No Problem With That At All.
Besides , I Would Love To Live Onto Monster Thick Tree. With Grand Tall View's , The Sunset's & The Night Sky Of Beautiful Star's. My Life Would Be So Freaking Amazing & Share It With My Children Some Day Into The Future. (o)/)
serenbach chapter 1 . 5/21/2009
I really enjoyed this, it was an interesting way to look at the viera and a very origianl way of exploring Fran and Balthier's relationship. :)
Midori Outani chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Amazing. Simply amazing. Your story was so discriptive and spiritual, I feel inlove. Please, write more!
AzureAquarius chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
This is a very love-ily written story. I love the ending the best - how disturbed Balthier seemed from hearing the Wood.
paramount-legalism chapter 1 . 11/6/2007

This is stunning. Original POV as well.

Thank you for this.
foxy crimefighta chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Beautiful. [ What happened to Larsa, though?
Glow in the Rain chapter 1 . 7/2/2007
An interesting take on this. A few typing errors here and there, and I believe you'd forgotten that Larsa was with them when they passed through Golmore. Other than that, I think it was well-written. Good job!

Xade chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
The Wood seems angry.
Kanarah J chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
*Claps hands in delight* Beautiful story and very lyrical if I do say so myself! I loved the creative description and the smart bit of dialogue in the end. Hah, now I wish I'd paid a bit more attention to that scene in Golmore... Great stuff!
Withdrawn chapter 1 . 3/16/2007
Fascinating, the entire episode from the Wood's point of view. Absolute genius. I loved it's varying descriptions of the characters, and it was sort of cute (amusing) when it...contemplated?...Fran and Balthier's...relationship. It reminded me of the 'overprotective father' figure. I do like the reaction towards Balthier himself especially. But the part that I like the most, was how, in my opinion, the Wood entirely misjuged the characters. Ashe wasn't power hungry, just looking out for the lives of her people; the 'defilement' by Basch was unintended, and Basch would've willingly stopped if he'd known; Penelo wasn't stupid, simply niave; Vaan's rude words were in reply to the Wood/Viera's automatic hostility and unwillingness to even listen; most of all, Balthier. He's not the type to honestly steal all Viera, no matter what he says, and, despite his civilization, he's most 'in tune' with the Wood, and with nature in general (the freedom of the sky); most importantly, of course, the Wood almost Demanded that they were trying to start a war, when they were doing the exact opposite. Definitely a wonderful piece. Deep, yet humourous.
em-witchwood chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
Absolutely awesome concept.
HC chapter 1 . 1/7/2007
Fantastically written.
Endless Desire chapter 1 . 1/3/2007
... I've fought that ancient wyrm only 3 days ago. Oddly enough, it was Balthier (and his gambits XD) who killed it. In that very moment, I thought about the actions of the jealous wood.

And now I found your story.

Loved it, dear. The words of the wood, sounding so full of arrogance and hatred, just like an old mother would do. The image of Balthier as the personification of science and hume culture was fantastic - and quite precise!

(Obs: Sorry, my English is not as good as I would like it to be. At least when I need to express myself. P)
a certain slant of light chapter 1 . 12/30/2006
A very interesting take on a portion of the game that I very much enjoyed, but otherwise gets very little attention. Giving the wood a personality and showing its view of the situation is rather insightful. You are one clever devil!

Keep writing!

Out of the Orange chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
So I've never even played FFXII, and I still think this is brilliantly written-

Wait. No. I mean, this is crap. Utter crap. Just like you, your mom, and all your unborn children. I didn't find your little excusrions into the Wood's "mind" intriguing and this definitely did NOT make me itch terribly to rush out and seize a copy of FFXII. And I definitely wasn't somehow touched by the ending. Nope.

But I'll add this to my Favorite Stories list ANYWAY. Just because I feel sorry for you and all.
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