Reviews for No Angel
julianne chapter 8 . 4/10/2013
I normally like your stories but this one was way too violent. You seem to enjoy wounding and torturing Booth. I found this story extremely depressing and upsetting. While you are obviously a very good writer I didn't appreciate the subject matter. The twist at the end was pretty good but I don't think it justified what Max did. He could have offered to help Booth instead, not add him to his victims.
Siler02 chapter 8 . 2/20/2011
I was just rereading this story again and realized that I'd never commented before. This story is great. Very dark but awesome nonetheless. Have you thought about a sequel?
abunnymom chapter 8 . 12/18/2009
This is absolutely incredible! Such an interesting albeit dark turn of events for B&B. This is definitely a very creative storyline, which really begs for a sequel because Booth won't just sit by and wait. Max was right that he and Booth are not all that different as protectors, but I also think he jumped the gun by taking action before he understood Booth more fully. He is clearly reacting to a threat without fully understanding the situation and all possible scenarios to explain why and how it came about. An interesting alternative would be if he did more digging, a different confrontation with Booth, and tell a story about how they partner together to contain the threat to their loved ones. Again, fantastic storytelling and writing!
kimmiej77 chapter 8 . 11/8/2008
ahh what happens? please make a sequel!
the 85th writer chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
Is there even a snowball's chance in hell for a follow up?
VampirateLycan chapter 8 . 1/2/2008
Ooh, Interesting. Liked it, Poor Booth and Bones.

I think I read Servare Vitas ages ago but just for the sake of it, I'm going to read it again. hehe :)
hoosabrat chapter 8 . 9/3/2007
Ok, I loved Servare Vitas, but somehow this is almost better. This plot just... tickles me. I would love to read a sequel, see how Booth would deal with this situation.

Hell, I would read anything you feel like writing at this point; you're honestly the first good writer I've come across in this fandom. Most people can't believably construct the kind of scientific dialog the show likes to throw out, let alone capture the spirit of two very unique characters unlike any others I can think of on TV. Somehow, you do both... and with weapons details to boot! :D I wish we got more of Booth's side of things on the show...
Maxennce chapter 8 . 5/29/2007
so basically, what your saying is that max already knew about what the bastards up the top are going to try to do to Booth before booth even did. That its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. That Max was going to cut it off at the pass before booth even got a word in edge wise. Jeez, the man is definitely twisted, and oh so dedicated to keeping his kids safe, despite how crap of a childhood they suffered at his hands of neglect. hows that for ironic for you. And as for you, genius, pure and utter genius. keep up the great work, really looking forward to your next chapter


max (am so changing my name now...)
Sue chapter 8 . 5/24/2007
the ending kinda left me hanging and i guess it would be safe to say that i guess many others feel the same way. If u can i suggest u to wrap up all the loose ends in like another chapter. That would be great if u can. Other than that it was a pretty good fic.


holly chapter 8 . 5/3/2007
Great story. I especially loved the ending, great touch.]
luli27 chapter 8 . 4/19/2007
oh my God, you're going to leave it there, really? Come on, at least tell me that there is a sequel? That can't be it. And to think, I was happy I had just discover it, so I could read the whole way through without cliffhangers! The ending was the greates cliffhangers of all! But still, great story; now I'm going to go and read your other stuff.
Jesse Falling chapter 8 . 2/4/2007
oh my. rather unresolved, I should think, but Oh my.
Jesse Falling chapter 5 . 2/4/2007
Oh...oh my...I must read on! I have homework...but I must read on!
Jesse Falling chapter 3 . 2/3/2007
Hmm. Didn't see that one coming, actually. But I know that now I know it's him, I know I should've known. Did you know that would happen? Or did you know we'd know, and would know to be expecting you to know you didn't know we knew? Sorry. I like words too much. On with reading I go. (But I know you knew that :D)
Jesse Falling chapter 2 . 2/3/2007
Knives? Oh no, this can't be good...Booth's thoughts are great. Well done.
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