Reviews for Golden Sands
zagato chapter 39 . 1/26/2019
Thank you for this wonderful Arabian fairy tale!
zagato chapter 32 . 1/26/2019
Finally, they reach the Sands of Time.
zagato chapter 30 . 1/26/2019
Ok so Xavia stole the ring so that Shahzad will spill the Sands of Time himself. Good plan. Thanks.
zagato chapter 13 . 1/26/2019
Maybe Shahzad will go against the 40 Thieves.
zagato chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Wow, I just finished the story on the twelve dancing princesses and look forward to this sequel. Thank you!
cuinwen chapter 39 . 1/8/2016
This is a rousing good story. The use of imagery, myth and magic are very well done. Also, for a fairy-tale your character development is excellent (traditional fairy-tales are all full of Mary Sues, and so you cannot depart too far from that and keep the flavor of the genre; I think you pushed just far enough into defining your characters).

If I would suggest any improvement, it would be around POV. The early chapters lead one to believe the story will be heroine POV and so it is a bit of a shock to find out later this is not so. Once the plot is rolling, shifting POV is not an issue. I realize this story has been complete since 2008, but if you wanted to improve it, perhaps introducing shifting POV into the early chapters would be a good course to take.
Hannah chapter 39 . 6/26/2012
I still feel like his mother… and I'm very proud of my boy.
Hannah chapter 36 . 6/26/2012
I'm crying. I really am. And I still feel like Shahzad's mother.
Hannah chapter 28 . 6/26/2012
Oh suuuuure. Mak the poor girl's life even HARDER, why don'tcha?
Hannah chapter 18 . 6/26/2012
I keep on feeling like Shahzad's mother. I keep on crying lightly and shaking my head and thinking things like "my poor boy" and such.
Hannah chapter 17 . 6/26/2012
I love how this story is sweet but not so much that my throat is coated in syrup. And for the "not contradicting yourself" in the A/N, you could always say that Fate is a melodramatic romantic and that's why fate bound people often fall in love.
Hannah chapter 16 . 6/26/2012
(smile) That was sweet. Really depressing, but sweet.
Hannah chapter 15 . 6/26/2012
Oh, I'm not going to murder you. As long as you give me a time machine and Khalid's address. Then my knives and pencils and rope will be going to more… satisfactory means, you could say.
Hannah chapter 14 . 6/26/2012
Eh, it's fine. Too much fluff this early in wouldn't seem quite right. I liked this chapter though. Funny and sweet with a nice dash of character development. And I feel like a food critic. :P
Hannah chapter 13 . 6/26/2012
I'm getting so attached to these characters already and Shahzad's downward plunge and breaking of his promise to Faiza is breaking my heart along with Xavia's rather blunt (they seem to have that in common) rejection of Tahir.
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