Reviews for The Kazekage, Bunny Youkai, and Avenger
BleedingCrimson chapter 8 . 4/15/2009
Hey, I really like this story, funny and lemony! Mm, mm, good! I hope you keep on writing the story, good luck. :D
TaintedDolphin chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
Please PLEASE PLEASE! Continue!
GoldxSilence chapter 8 . 10/2/2007
M Wilde chapter 8 . 10/2/2007
awesome threesome yah plz update can't wait for the lemon
Evashe chapter 7 . 9/21/2007
This story was great. I love the tone, and the scene is hot. I hope you find the time to update soon!
GoldxSilence chapter 6 . 9/6/2007
o.O im still trying to understand what is going on but im getting close... just kee writing!
Evilemokitties chapter 1 . 5/16/2007
plot bunny?
Kriss- DeathSasha7 chapter 3 . 1/30/2007
I know, as a writter myself, that it takes times to write chapters, but please hurry up! I think I know what Mido-chan put in Kanky's pocket, but I want to know for sure! You sure know how to leave me hangging! Good luck with the next chapter.
Sei Ai chapter 1 . 1/5/2007
I hope you update soon
