Reviews for May the mischief be with you
AndurilofTolkien chapter 5 . 6/1/2017
nice :)
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
Beruthiel's Cat chapter 5 . 1/28/2007
I think you did very well with this! I'd love to see you take the premise you've set up here and elaborate further.

Points chapter 5 . 1/21/2007
Very cute, and pretty funny. Good ending.

Your grammar was a little iffy though.

Good story though!
Hughfan chapter 5 . 1/21/2007
Hehe chapter 4 . 1/17/2007
That's funny.
Flag chapter 3 . 1/16/2007

Sorry for the late review for this chappie, I somehow missed it.

Cute cute. Legolas isn't boring. Cute.
Flag chapter 4 . 1/16/2007
Why on earth wouldn't you get more reviews? This story is totally worth reading, it's quite interesting.

Chapter 4 was quite interesting.

"I didn't sneak up. I walked normal." Haha. Darn those sneaky little elves.

Great job, update soon!

Da da da da da! I'm lovin' it...
Oirasse chapter 3 . 1/11/2007
I like your reason for legolas' behavior! great story!
Flag chapter 2 . 1/7/2007
Yeah, the messaging service here is screwed up. It's not working properly for me either.

What are they planning? Oh... Very interesting.
Oirasse chapter 2 . 1/7/2007
What are they planning?
Oirasse chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
wow! it sounds like an interesting begining of a story! I can't wait to find out what will happen!
Flag chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
You've got my attention, aha.

Update soon? Very interesting...
Tigerwulf chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
hehe i like lotr. continue plz, sounds good.