Reviews for I'll Never Say I'm Sorry
mewmewstardom chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
This is absolutely wonderful! Angsty, but amazing! I really love how you wrote inside Neji's head. And I really loved the last line! The 'I will ask for her forgiveness, but I won't say I'm sorry'. An amazing line, absolutely beautiful!

I love this piece to bits, this isn't the first time I've read it either! (I forgot to review last time...Oops...) But now I review, and I say that I love this so much!

This was an awesome one-shot!

Kyki chapter 1 . 6/6/2008
This story is aboslutely brillant. Its full of gorgeous details about how the characters behave and you really captured the emotion in Neji's feelings for Sasuke. You really managed to represent Neji's inner conflicts without ever causing me to lose interest. We even got some insight on Sasuke, even though it wasn't in his point of view.

I loved it.

Elissa chapter 1 . 4/9/2007
...Amazing...(I need a better word) I loved it. Even though I like more aciton .; and less talking this was Amazing. I loved how you wrote this its spectacular. You write wonderfully, please continue writing. I cant think of anything else to say, even though there are alot of things in my mind, but I guess I will leave it as it is. So thank you for writing this. Keep it yup. Email me... . Yeah I am a SasuNaru fan aswell. Thank you once again!
TripleChocolateCookie chapter 1 . 1/26/2007
So far what i've read is really good. Even though it's pretty much from Neji's POV & story line. I like it. I was waiting for the smut. But I guess I'llo wait longer if I have too. For all I know as the reader there could be no smut in it. I'm not saying that reading your story was a waste of time, cause it isn't at all. You did a VERY GOOD job. Maybe even a better job then what I could do myself. Will you do me a favor and read my Inuyasha x Miroku oneshot? I'll be very greatful if you did and gave me a review. Thanks very much for the fun read, I really did enjoy it. Your Fan Cookie-Kun.
yukiislikesnow chapter 1 . 1/26/2007
very well written. His wife is Sakura I presume? If I was Sasuke I think I'd be all over Neji's advances as well. XD
Reily chapter 1 . 1/10/2007
All of Neji's thoughts held a certain sadness to them and at the same time they were extremely insightful. It was a beautiful story I hope you write more about this pairing in the future.
annetaco chapter 1 . 1/10/2007
Haha I dunno if my first review showed up, so if I look like an idiot, I apologize...



Let me let you in on a little secret...

-whispers- NejiSasu is my favorite pairing.

It's angry. So painful. So beautiful.

Yet there are hardly any well-written fics dedicated to this pairing. This was really good. More than smut-deep.

I hope to read more of your writing!

(that's all I can remember saying, so bye :-P)