Reviews for A Dhampir Story
nekochan1994 chapter 11 . 7/7/2017
The beginning of a beautiful partnership
nekochan1994 chapter 7 . 7/7/2017
Probably a relation of Enrico Maxwell.
Also why do I have the feeling Dracula is gonna be a proud daddy soon?
nekochan1994 chapter 5 . 7/7/2017
And now I feel like crying
nekochan1994 chapter 4 . 7/7/2017
I actually feel really sorry for Vice. What happened to him that evil entered his heart so young
nekochan1994 chapter 2 . 7/7/2017
Oh that's eerie
nekochan1994 chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
Poor Alucard
Yasxela chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
U r a smith like no other . Ur forge is a page ur hammer is an ink coated tail from an egale each syable die and casted from a talented and anept hand each word like polished sliver and gold or platinum for as long as ur hammer rings true I will find myself no longer blue and will vist ur shop again so I must thank u young word smith for see the specks of gold and making a truely loveyly tale and endeding my dismally day of not having a good book ur a true poet
Sinthetik Angel chapter 21 . 1/29/2011
Very well done! It reminds me a great deal of the Vampire hunter D novels that I've read. Hope you manage another chapter.
VladLover chapter 21 . 12/18/2010
Oh come on ! I dont have spend 2 hours in here reading to have no final ! What happened after Rhea told him about the infanticide! WHAT HAPPENED AFTERRRRRRRR !

Yo write the next chaptterrrI command you! Obey!

Or just do it please pleaseee ...(
Aldedron chapter 21 . 10/2/2010
By god, it took forever, but I finally caught up to your most recent post! And it was totally worth all the time, too 'cause you're story is damn awesome~! All the metaphors... Sorry, I'm just totally obsessed with metaphors hee hee. I love all the metaphors~! Your style's all fluid and descriptive and figurative and damn addictive. I've been entranced since that first paragraph long, long ago in chapter one...

As for the story- I finally finished reading the first novel of the... novel series... and managed to catch lots of similarities between it and this O.o Plus lots of differences. But what do I know! I've only read one of seventeen! Either way, the novel was awesome, and this's awesome. Deron's story is so tragic, yet it explains perfectly how D became the way he did. And Alucard's apperiance... I totally mispelled that, but forget the corect spelling... anyways, Alucard's been totally awesome through and through hee hee So evil, yet so Alucard... And poor Rhea! And all the kids at the halfbreed orphanage, too! And we can't forget Zhou or... I'm so horrible with names... that adorable little girl with the horns. Eili! That's her name! Ah, everyone's so in depth and beautiful. And not only the story of the past was absolutely awesometastic and detailed and addictive and all that tastey awesomeness, but so's the present timeline. D's dilemma (sp?) with Miranda is truly tragic and heart rending and got me so hooked and anxious as to what her decision'll be

Gah~! But you haven't updated since last year~! Pweeze update your damn awesome story soon T.T
Aldedron chapter 1 . 9/29/2010
O.O I think I'm in love with you

Your style! It's so poetic and descriptive- and the metaphors! Oh god, the metaphors (I'm a metaphor freak, by the way ;D)! I just can't get over their epic awesomeness... I swear, you're making pros look like juveniles. Simply... awesome O.O...

I wish there were more stories on here with this awesome style-

So! Me excited to continue reading This's very interesting thus far. I've only ever seen the... new (?) movie before, so I don't have much background knowledge, but can still follow easily and greatly look forward to the upcoming chappies
Guest chapter 15 . 8/30/2010
I'm loving this story. I can believe that this may be what D's childhood/young life was like. I am confused about Harvy though. D left him to guard the entrace to the castle, but later on it seems Harvy is still part of the group inside.
Desiree1717 chapter 15 . 8/30/2010
I'm loving this story. I can believe that this may be what D's childhood/young life was like. I am confused about Harvy though. D left him to guard the entrace to the castle, but later on it seems Harvy is still part of the group inside.
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 21 . 1/12/2010
Oh my God!

That was so sad, but so amazing for now understanding who and what D is from all the years of solitude and stotic mood to find out he is the son of Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and Alucard, the No-Life King, durning the Millenum War, when Alucard, himself, forgotten Seras Victoria, ie, Police Girl, and Walter Dolnaz, the "Angel of Death."

Thank you for clearing up all the confusion and doubts I had with Alucard and D.

I pray that Seras, Integra, and Walter will find peace in knowing that D is finally reunited with his father.

Yet, Zhou reminds me of Pip Bernadotte of the Wild Geese. God, I haven't seen him since he was fused with Seras's soul to become her full vampiric form. Very nice.

... Well that's a long review and other stuff, so I congradulate you for the job well done.

~Soultail Omega-Light
Topgallant chapter 20 . 9/27/2009
I...can't tell you how brilliant this is. It's a seamless and wonderful merging of two impossibly genius works. These two very unique stories flow very well together, and it's incredibly rare to find such a talented writer to be the one to do it. Thank you!
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