Reviews for No Turning Back
FrozenSnowflake27 chapter 27 . 10/13/2018
The feels that this story has caused me. I can’t even!

I absolutely love this masterpiece of a story. You are a very talented writer.
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 27 . 2/23/2018
Great ending. I kinda hate you for killing Ron instead of Percy or someone else unimportant but I’ll live with it
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 25 . 2/23/2018
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 22 . 2/23/2018
Oh my god this is the funniest chapter i’ve ever read in my entire life. Ginny is a savage
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 14 . 2/23/2018
Wow. So much going on at once.
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 12 . 2/23/2018
All I wanna do is keep reading but it's almost 4 am
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 10 . 2/23/2018
I'm amazed at how similar this was to the events in the book since you said you wrote most of this before Deathly Hallows was published
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 4 . 2/22/2018
I laughed so much at Ron chasing Harry. Best part thus far. And Draco's snarky sarcasm and sardonic attitude. I love it. I hope you include the elder wand and Dumbledore owning it
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 2 . 2/22/2018
I hope to see more of Raul. Just for the kick of him hitting on Harry all the time
AttackOfTheBourgeoisie chapter 1 . 2/22/2018
I came across this by chance when I was looking through some Drarry stuff on google. I'm happy I found it though. It's so hard to find good Drarry stories on this site sometimes, but I'm excited about this story
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 27 . 7/5/2017
So sad about the main character death, but i was so glad it wasn't Draco. Good story!
Abbey Riddle chapter 27 . 12/18/2016
This was absolutely stunning. How it should have been.
Certo123 chapter 27 . 10/11/2014
Great story! I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing!
Anna chapter 27 . 5/21/2013
Hi! Thanks for this story, I really liked it! Good, well thought and interesting plot and no boring parts :)
sterekdrarry chapter 2 . 3/25/2013
There were a few grammar mistakes, like this 1/4, I don't know what it means in this but the story is still good.
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