Reviews for An Illusive Truth: Part 2
Guest chapter 9 . 5/21/2017
2017 e sua história ainda é lida!
yumi chapter 9 . 7/13/2013
Where are you? Please finish this story!
Feral chapter 9 . 7/25/2012
Nooooooooooo! You have to post the next one!
Sparrow chapter 9 . 6/1/2010
I've read every word of every chapter of both of these stories. I'm just terribly sad that it doesn't seem like it's going to be continued! I hope that you'll pick this back up sometime soon. It's a shame to leave it hanging like that. chapter 7 . 2/23/2010
Umm...ok so here's the deal. I read this story about 2 years ago and was absolutely in love with part 1 and even more in love with part 2. That being said...I don't really know what happened but I forgot the title of this fic and couldn't find it for a long time. So finally I just decided to go on an all out hunt for it because it was THAT GOOD. After 2 monnths of crazy searching I finally found it...and I have been reading both parts over and over. I. Love. This. Story. Please please please please PLEASE tell me you have more! I want the end! I want to know what happens to all of them, Remy and Rogue especially. You are truly a phenomenal writer for me to have remembered and been obsessed with this fic for 2 years!
bologna121 chapter 9 . 12/6/2008
I spent so much time reading this story...and I am officially hooked. I am serious. This is amazing; plot, writing, characters...EVERYTHING! And I know that you promised to have this fic finished (hint hint wink wink) but you think manybe you could come back a little faster? I'm growing desperate here! :D
rmm8127 chapter 9 . 12/4/2008
Just found this story, please update soon.
Brains-in-a-nutshell chapter 9 . 7/22/2008
well that's a really spine-tingling (I'm so not using the synonyms program on 'Word'again XD) ending. a real cliffhanger...dun't leave me hanging on this cliff too long w
Brains-in-a-nutshell chapter 7 . 7/22/2008
wow, long chapter :O ...*back to reading* still awesome, btw
curly chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
and that last review was a total my bad, i meant for it to go under chapter 7...i'm dumb. but yes everything was up to chapter 7. i didn't randomly read one chapter and start gushing it was just poor click timing.

my bad :)
curly chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
dude, you have no idea how utterly impressed i am at the massive improvement in everything that has been happening. Like that sounds weird but reading from the very beginning to the right about now, the progression that you have been making in storytelling, writing, characterization and just everything is amazing. i love it.

now there's meaty plot, intense interactions and it just never ends (yeah no kidding about the long ass chapters...nice) and i just can't wait for more. it's insane and i'm so happy you told me about this.

and it may be a small detail but i adore you for keeping consistent and accurate accents on all of them. you have no idea how many times a perfectly good story would annoy me to no end because the author got lazy or something or just forgot about such little things that make the characters identifiable. when you read the dialogue you can hear it in your head, helping you picture everything and making everything so much more real. so awesome job and i'll leave a better comment tomorrow at the end of chapter 9.
ButterflyRogue chapter 9 . 6/17/2008
You wouldn't believe the size of my smile when I opened my mail account and saw an update for this story... Not sure how long it's been standing there, though, since I was in London for the past couple of days without an internet access, but I was thrilled none the less... :D

I'm very glad to know you do intend to finish this story. It's a great piece of work and I would be very sad to see it abandoned... So hooray once again!

On to the review.

The beginning describing Rogue "lost" in her dream of Remy beside her was very touching. It was as if Remy's psyche among the ones she had absorbed was telling her not to worry, that he was there with her... So beautiful *sniff* And so very powerful emotions you had there. Wonderfully written.

I have to say I envy your sense of humor... You made me spit my coffee not once - but three times all over my desk... :D You've got a talent my dear...

You completley nailed Wolvie's character... Wow... I am definitely amazed...

Also, your descriptions are amazing.

Oh damn... The plan didn't work! However, I kind of like the suspense you've made with this little twist. It would have been to easy if they had just saved him right away, wouldn't it? ;) Although, this will make my wait for the next chapter a bit more anxious...

I'm very curious about what was Remy "telling" Jean through their mental connection as well as the whole motivation behind Bella Donna's actions...

I completley understand life getting in the way of writing fanfiction... Been there myself... So please, do take your time. I'm definitely going to be here waiting for the next update!

Hugs you!
Crack4sure chapter 9 . 6/16/2008
Yay for the Lebeau's reappearing. Im glad you finally updated. I feel so sad for Rogue : ( But Remy will reappear and make things happily ever after, I hope!
iloveromys chapter 9 . 6/15/2008
arrgh! Quick! Update! Please? Wow, I had almost forgotten how awesome this story is...and poor Rogue! I hope Remy gets out ok.
Night-Escence chapter 8 . 4/30/2008
I love this story its so engaging and thrilling I can't stop reading it.
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