Reviews for Drops Of Jupiter
bed of nails and sandpaper chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
aaw this was the fic that first got me interested in TaiTo. I'm amazed that I hadn't reviewed it yet.

It was so sweet. I loved it. And the ending was so tragic! Just how I like it

Thessily Thessilonikki chapter 1 . 10/8/2001
*bawling* I loved that so much. I never read digimon fic, and a friend told me to look at this, and now I'm crying... I loved it...
yamatoforever chapter 1 . 8/27/2001
I knew Matt would die! That's way he wouldn't have to choose between his family and Tai. Poor Matt. Poor Tai. Poor Sora and the children. But it's really a good story.
Evil Windstar chapter 1 . 6/30/2001
errrrrr... pleaz continue! make it a taito~!
Empress of the Eclipse chapter 1 . 6/30/2001
YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE KILLING MATT! And now I'm welling up! Oh...oh Matt never got to be with Tai and he never got to make it up with Taro...let this be a lesson to EVERYONE that you NEVER do that 'cause you never know what's going to happen between one day and the next. You never leave stuff hanging. Okay? Oh, I'm getting all soppy and mushy! And I'm the first review which is a good. But I'm sad. And I was in a really good mood too. I loved this, it was beautiful and nice and so sad 'un sweet! Nice fic, well done. But great sadness...I NEVER cry at fics, NEVER! And I'm not exactly crying but my eyes are stinging so consider yourself clever and pat yourself on the back okay? Okay.