Reviews for The Game of Life
Golden feathers Edward chapter 11 . 2/6/2016
That's it!? That is so sad! T.T it kind of didn't make sense to me but it was good story. XD
kurobane101 chapter 7 . 11/28/2013
What's this song? Nya
PomPoms chapter 11 . 10/29/2012
Wow...that was...incredible. You have created an honest to god masterpiece. That everyone dies ending actually tied everything together...
bostafu chapter 9 . 1/5/2012
Man... yugi started talking like a god - so confusing.
bostafu chapter 7 . 1/5/2012
Oh no! I hope they can still change the course of events..
bostafu chapter 4 . 1/4/2012
Wow... what the heck is going on.. so much mystery! I hope it clears up soon.
bostafu chapter 3 . 1/4/2012
I'm guessing Isis is the goddess of fertility...

Anyways wow Yugi became a really powerful magician.
bostafu chapter 2 . 1/4/2012
Oh man yugi saw his own father die! T_T
bostafu chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
Yes.. pushing a purple button with a sign like that is very tempting XD

But anyways... aww~ Marik is a loving father! Its so sad he had to die :(. Anyways I hope Yugi will have a nice life ahead of him
vampmuffin chapter 11 . 10/14/2011
I really really liked this story, but I'm sorry to say I really did not like the ending. I don't know I mean its fine that everyone died, but jeez I'm sorry I did not like that ending one bit...
Spindlegal chapter 11 . 8/31/2011
Ok wow there should be like a million reviews on this story! This story was SO good and I'm almost in tears because I wish it was continued or there was a sequel!

You wrote the characters beautifully and in a whole new way. I love Marik and his fatherly devotion towards Yugi. Yugi had such a fun character and I loved his part in this! Bakura had to be my favorite character in the story. His and Yugi's relationship was really nice and refreshing. I love the thought of them being like brothers. Yugi and Bakura's little scenes were truly my favorite.

And also really nice job on the plot. It's unique and well organized. I just REALLY love this story. Nice job
Liandra Dupree chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
Hi. I was just wondering if you have put the manga version of your story up on deviantart. I really like your story and I wanted to see what the manga looked like, but i cannot find any of your drawings (and i'm sorry if it seems like I'm just some random person. I do not have a fanfiction account but i wanted to ask this question anyway.)
Guardian of knowledge chapter 11 . 8/19/2010
What can I say? When you look evil in the face, you see evil alone. When you see evil in the EYES, evil often turns out to be good in disguise.

Great sotry! It had a satisfying ending, and it had that feeling of the moive you sat till the credits ended and just stared into thin air, so many questions and thoughts running through your head! I LOVED IT!

(Haha, sa ju att jag skulle komentera! :D)
Wolfwhispers chapter 9 . 2/13/2010
This is so depressing, but I hope when you update an interesting surprise will be instore for us.
GoddessOfPhantoms chapter 8 . 1/8/2010
Hi when we last talked you said you would update after Battle Princess. That finished a while ago so what's going on? Reply ASAP please.
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