Reviews for Confessions of Konoha High
xXxTophxXx chapter 17 . 6/17/2017
Congratulations! It's been 10 years since your last update (TдT) This's a rare Yakuza/Mafia ItaSasu fic that totally good in everyway and you're just let it... be like this ? Oh come on! (д)
Sasukitten chapter 17 . 7/8/2015
I just read this fic . Do you still continue right? I hope so ! This chap is the best part starting ! I'd love to see you kicking oro pervert ass in next chap! And hope to see your next chaps and a HE! Thanks and love you!
Riley Lupin-Black chapter 17 . 2/7/2012
Agh! The suspense will kill me, pleeeeeaassseee continue. i'm not sure if you'll read this, but if you do maybe it will motivate you to update before i die of curiosity- long shot i know but beggers can't be choosers and you're story is good enough to make me beg for its continuation.

May the plot bunnies forever prosper and your pen eternally flow.

- A Curiously Smitten Kitten
Saber Amane chapter 17 . 7/4/2010
love the story!
00-night-eyes-00 chapter 17 . 6/22/2010
love it, looking forward to reading more.
A12b24i96 chapter 17 . 3/29/2010
Amazing plot!Keep writing! chapter 17 . 1/10/2010
hehe its again me..yeah i read this story too :P

i was wondering if you will continue to update this story, 'cause its been a while that you add a new chapter.

anyways this story is good too!

so keep your good work!
Akira Nishikawa chapter 17 . 3/24/2009
hello ! its been a while since your last update story is Excellente ! you shoul really complete, are you gonna do that? Hope yes...


Crls Nyino chapter 17 . 1/7/2009
Oh noes 'tachi is in danger

Please update soon must know what is going to happen!
UchihaJIS chapter 17 . 1/4/2009
WTH? Leader? ...

Anyways, I love this story! Except for the feud between the different gangs. I hate Orochimaru.

And Deidara and Sasori? They are one of the best characters in this fanfic! xD

Haven't updated in a while eh? Update?
Blitzor chapter 17 . 10/16/2008
O.O I. Love. This. Story.

Absolutely wonderful. Yakuza/mafia themed stories are the best, and this one's GREAT Hope to see the next chapter soon 8D
StuckOnReplay chapter 6 . 8/10/2008
oh no~

Celestialfae chapter 4 . 7/29/2008
that was pretty funny when Naruto obtained his "little problem". And the last chapter there was a typo, one Temari has green eyes not brown. another funng was when Kyuubi recited it with f.

So um Naruto and Sasuke getting together.
critter141151 chapter 17 . 4/25/2008
I love itasasu and I love this story

Also I was at Anime boston with my sister and a few of her friends her friend (the sasuke cosplayer with itachi) and her friend's boyfriend (the itachi) were having itasasu moments here is the clip at point 2:30 in


Also there is a random narusasu by unknown couple at 1:53

critter141151 chapter 2 . 4/25/2008
the part when Sasuke made toast all I could think of was Sasuke VS. Toaster lol. Very funny now need to finish reading
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